Ordinance # 053
Granting Peoples Gas
to Lay Pipes in Town
Granting unto the Peoples Natural Gas Company Its Successors or Assigns the right franchise and privilege to lay, bury, maintain , operate, repair and remove mains and pipes in through and under the highways, streets, lanes, alleys and public grounds of the Borough of Bolivar, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania to supply the Borough and the inhabitants there of with gas for fuel, lights, and other appropriate purposes and providing the conditions under which the said right, franchise and privilege shall be exercised.
Be it enacted and ordained by the Borough of Bolivar and it is hereby enacted and ordained by the authority of the same.
Section 1. That the Peoples Natural Gas Comp Corporation of Pittsburghny Pennsylvania its successors, or assigned, hereinafter called "Utility" is hereby granted the right, franchise and privilege to lay, maintain, operate, repair, and remove mains and lines of pipe in, through and under the highways, streets, lanes, alleys and public grounds of the Borough, to supply the Borough and the inhabitants thereof with gas for fuel, light and other appropriate purposes and to make connections with consumers lines and do all and any acts necessary and incident to the transportation and supply of natural gas to the said Borough of Bolivar and consumers residing therein.
Section 2. The utility is hereby authorized and empowered to use said highways, streets, lanes, alleys, and public grounds to the extent necessary as proper for the installation of all lines of pipe required to furnish the Borough and the inhabitants there of with gas for the purpose specified and for making all necessary repairs and alterations to such lines and to similar lines hereto for installed, together with the right to continued maintain, operate, repair and remove all necessary regulators, valves , curb lopes, safety appliances and all other necessary appliances in and under said highways, streets, lanes, alleys and public grounds, subject to the following conditions.
Section 3. That all work done in and upon any of the highways, streets, lanes, alleys, and public grounds of said Borough of Bolivar under and in pursuance of the provisions of this Ordinance, shall be done under the direction and supervision of the Street Committee, and all trenches and ditches shall be dug and the pipe laid therein at a depth consistent with good practice except where sub surface obstruction makes it impossible to do so, and the said trenches and ditches shall be closed with reasonable dispatch and without unnecessary delay, and the paving of said streets, highways, and alleys shall be restored and replaced to the same condition found therein prior to the opening made by said utility company provided that is said trenches or ditches are not closed and paving is not restore within 30 days of the date of completion of the work done herein after, the Borough of Bolivar may, at its discretion close the ditches and trenches and restore the paving to the same condition as it was prior to the opening or cause the same to be so done and hold the utility responsible for the cost of said utility and repairs.
Section 4. That the said utility, its successors or assigns, shall protect and save harmless the Borough of Bolivar Pennsylvania from all damages, loss, cash and expense from all damages, loss, cost and expenses to persons or property occasioned by negligence and want of proper care in opening, guarding closing, repairing and in any other manner obstructing said highways, streets, lanes, alleys, or public grounds, arising from the laying of its mains and pipes as well as from any damage, loss cost and expenses arising from any leak, accident, or explosion occasioned by negligence and want of proper care in the maintenance and operation of its lines in the highways, streets, lanes, alleys and public grounds of said Borough of Bolivar.
Section 5. All gas pipes and mains shall be constructed, laid and maintained in a thorough and workman like manner and under such reasonable regulations, as may be prescribed, it being understood that the utility in laying said pipes and mains and making connections therewith shall use modern and improved devices in said installation.
Section 6. That any Ordinance or part of Ordinances or so much of any prior Ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this Ordinance by and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this Ordinance.
Enacted and ordained in council this 1st day of October A.D. 1951
Frank Henderson
Council President
Erma McCartney
Secretary of Council
Approved this 1stt day of October A.D. 1951
J. E. Snyder
Original Ordinance on file in Ordinance book pages 84, 85 and 86 3
Resolution – Acceptance of Ordinance # 53
By authority of a Resolution adopted by the board of Directors of the Peoples Natural Gas Company at a meeting held on 16th day of October 1951, the company hereby accepts a certain franchise Ordinance of the Borough of Bolivar, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania entitled "An Ordinance granting unto the Peoples Natural Gas Company, its successors or assigns the right, franchise and privilege to lay, bury, maintain, operate, repair and remove mains and piper in, through an under the highways, streets, lanes, alleys and public grounds of the borough of Bolivar, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania to supply the inhabitants thereof with gas for fuel, light and other appropriate purposes, and providing the conditions under which the said, right franchises and privilege shall be exercised, enacted and approved this 1st day of October 1951
Witness the common and corporate seal of the Peoples Natural Gas Company duly affixed this 26th day of Oct 1951.
The Peoples Natural Gas Company
By John J. Jacob, Jr
Vice President
James B Sayers
Original on file in Ordinance Book page 84, 85, and 86
Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
Certificate of Filing
P.U.M.C. 2349
Ordinance dated October 1 1951, of Borough of Bolivar granting to the People Natural Gas Company the right to lay, maintain and operate lines of pipe and appurtenant facilities in, through and under the highways, streets, alleys and public grounds of said Borough to supply the inhabitants thereof with gas for fuel, light, and other appropriate purposes in the Borough of Bolivar, Westmoreland County.