
This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy

Meeting was opened by Lewis McLaughlin , Council President at 7 PM.

Present: Lewis McLaughlin, Sue Bartow, Solicitor Jeff Miller, Ron Betts, Keith St.Clair and Gladine McMaster

Absent: Mayor, Tom Pickup

Public Attendance: Zackary and Cassandra Burtop, Ken Burtop, Melissa Miller

Approval January re-organization meeting minutes. Motion to approve made by Sue 2nd by Keith. All in favor, motion carried.

Approval of January Regular Meeting Minutes. Motion to approve made by Sue 2nd by Keith. All in favor motion passed.

Approval of Treasurer Report.
Sue motions to accept, 2nd by Keith All in favor, motion carried.

Solicitors Report. Storm Water Management Ordinance Act 167 final version has been review. Sue motion to pass Lou 2nds, all in favor motion passed and signed. Pat to contact the Mayor for signage.

Luck Garland house issue - update. He was notified that Mr. Stiffey was to purchase the property from Mr. Garland by mid February and Ken McGinnis was to demolish by end of February. At this point we have not had to file the complaint. If the sale does not go through then Jeffery will file suit.

Public Comment. All public was asked for comments. No one had any concerns to bring up.

Old Business:

Garage door repairs
Door has been ordered. Heard nothing on a time frame yet.

AED update..... Pat spoke to BJ , he said the pads we do not need to order, the current pads have never been opened. The batteries for the unit are a different matter. It takes 10 special sized batteries which will have to order. Cost is $39.95 plus $10 shipping. Sue asked if they would waive the shipping since we are a Borough. Pat said the only way the shipping would be waived is the cost must be over $100. Sue motioned to get batteries , 2nd by Gladine, all in favor motion passed. Pat said the AED we have does not get attached to electricity for power. Pat also said the AED will be placed in the Borough building for all personnel who have access will be able to use if needed.

Logging start update. Pat received several e-mails from Forest ranger which she read to council. All is going very well and will have a very nice piece of land afterwards.

New Business:

Next meeting March 4 at 7 PM.

Complaint from Janice Shank.   Mrs. Shank placed a complaint against the owner of property at 4th and Washington. Lou said he looked at it and Sue commented it was her sidewalk. She claimed she had no posts to put there so she used the little metal posts and put pink tape around it. She said she has fencing but did not bother putting up. She was waiting for Pam to get more cement, however she did not get anymore. Jeffery said he has something she can use for posts. Sue said she has the orange fencing. Sue mentioned they can walk on other side of street.  
Sue commented that maybe Mr. Shank should only be burning on Wednesday and Saturdays rather than other days. So address that. Nothing else was said on the subject.

Police car accessories - lights, radios, and gun racks. What would council like to do with the items. Discussion was made on whether to advertise on Municibid as a restricted sale to police departments only, or the check with surrounding Municipalities to see if they are interested since a Regional Police contract is ready to be signed by New Florence and Seward along with St Clair TWP. Lou to check with New Florence police committee on their interest. Council stated to let them make an offer on the accessories.

Golis House- Parking on the sidewalk. Gladine has since discovered that it is not the people living at the Golis house but the issue has been addressed with the caregiver that lives above the Post Office.

Singer Accounting- Document to be signed for the audit by Council President. The Borough audit is almost complete. Pat also said Liquid Fuels audit will be done this upcoming Tuesday.

Authorized Key Holder Verification for 2021
. Pat said this has not been completed for 2 years. Needs to have everyone verify their key numbers and sign the document.

Westmoreland County Hazard Mitigation Plan. Pat received a notice asking for everyone to adopt a Resolution on this subject. They submitted a sample Resolution for consideration. Jeffery said he thought the Borough already completed one 2 or 3 years ago.  Jeffery suggested to table to next meeting so he can check on it.

Lou asked for any other business. Sue wants Pat to send Mr. Shank the burn Ordinance . No one discussed this any further.

Jeffery asked about the sidewalk in front of Borough Office. Sidewalk is dropping quite a bit. Can someone check with Highridge for a water leak.. Pat said the Borough water bill has not gone up. Lou said he would talk to Calvin from Highridge and have him check it.

Sewage Report: Sue stated nothing yet. Jeffery said seeking a grant to have the road replaced. Lou asked what was going on by Medical Building. Jeffery said about the excessive water going into the sewage system.

Mayor Report . No one here to give a report.

Street Commissioner Report

Truck put 111.7 miles on truck and 65.3 gallons of gas. 2 complaints on plowing on streets. Ron asked the homeowner if he had any suggestion of where to put the snow. Owner complaining wife cannot get her vehicle out when the plow comes along. She only has a regular car and cannot drive over the snow . Gladine said she did not see any issues on the roadway. Most people use shovel to dig there vehicle out with the little bit of snow that rolls off when he plows. The other complaint was the son could not get to work at 6 am because the road past their house wasn't plowed yet.

Lou to call executive session concerning personnel. at 7:40 PM

7:45 PM issue resolved. . Lou motions to furlough Boro worker on an as needed basis until April 1, Sue 2nd all in favor motion carried. He will come back on as needed basis for plowing until then.

Zack asked about PA One Calls. He doesn't get any notification on them, doesn't know how to clear them. Jeffery asked who gets them now. Ron said he get's all the one calls, and has showed Zack how to check them. He needs to get Zack a log in so when Ron not around Zack can log in check and clear them if need be.  Zack also said he is going to look for a block heater and to check if one can be put into the skidsteer. Should be able to get a block for $40.

Parks & Rec. Melissa said we have 4 donations that we received. She sent out quite a few for sponsorship. We are also getting the Carpenters Union to put steps along side of slide and in front of stage area. Sue asked if we still have the lumber that was given to parks years ago. Melissa said we have never seen any lumber. Also the electric upgrades for the upper park. She is working on a grant for the lower park.

Ron also mentioned that Costars is requesting an update for ordering salt for 2022. Does council want me to put order request in for next year. We have maybe about 15 ton anti-skid left and approx 10 ton salt left. Suggested to place order for then. If need more this winter get from Fairfield.

Keith wanted to know if we want to put on the schedule next month for the building of the salt shed.

Nothing else to discuss meeting adjourned 7:50 PM. Motioned by Lou 2nd by Sue. motion passed.


Patricia Betts