Bolivar Borough
Emergency Meeting
January 27, 2018
This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy
Present: Ron Betts, Aaron Bouch, Pat Betts, Clark Baird, Sue Bartow.
Absent - Brinton Scribe, Street commissioner
Gen Public - Greg Hughes
Meeting called to order 3PM by Aaron Bouch.
Emergency meeting was called by Clark Baird concerning the hiring of a 2nd worker. Eric Baird who was originally hired pending passing of driver, physical, alcohol and drug screening decided to not accept the position.
Greg Hughes submitted his resume for the position.
Executive meeting called at 3.02: PM to discuss applicant resume.
Reconvening of meeting took place a 3:10 PM. Decision was made to hire Greg Hughes as a temporary Borough worker pending the passing of a physical, drug test, and alcohol screening, and driving record. Wages are $10.00 per hour. Greg can also take training classes if he decides to stay on as a worker.
Greg did state that he was called for an interview this upcoming Thursday. He did not want to mislead anyone. Also an error was found on his resume. He is a board member of Tri-Community Sewage and not Highridge Water Authority.
Aaron made motion to hire Greg and Clark 2nd. All in favor pending the passing of all required testing.
Pat to schedule Greg's physical this upcoming week. She to call today for scheduling.
Motion to adjourn was made at 3:15 PM.
Patricia Betts