
This Meeting was Recorded for Accuracy 

Present: Amy Lickenfelt, Art Sisitki, Ron Betts, Dan Short,JR, Sue Bartow, Mayor Tom Pickup, Solicitor Jeff Miller had to leave for another re-organization meeting.

Amy called meeting to order 7:05 PM

Solicitor report -  Jeffery was asked to revise ad for garage. He sent a copy with dates for secretary to send to newspaper for posting. Discussion for newspaper postings was agreed to use Indiana Gazette for advertising. No other solicitor business.

December minutes were reviewed, motion made to approve December minutes by Art Sisitki and 2nd by Ron Betts. All approved motion

Treasurer report - reviewed by all Council,  motion made to approve by Art Sisitki 2nd by Sue Bartow. All approved motion.

PA one call contract was presented and signed by Amy to forward back to PA One Call.

Sue brought up question on CD's concerning CD renewed in December. Wanted to verify if it got renewed.

Grants will still be continued to be done by Arch Dodson. Motion was made to have a council person assigned to work with Arch on Grants. Dan motioned for Art and Ron to work with Arch on this. Both Dan and Art stated they could not do it. Motion was brought up again by Amy to have Ron Betts work with Arch as 1st council person and Sue Bartow as alternate person if Ron cannot do it .  Motion 2nd by Art Sisitki . All approved motion. Amy stated grant mail to be given to Ron and Ron to deliver to Arch.

Consulting firm discussion by Tom. Stated we would have to go to Pittsburgh to meet with consulting firm. No money in budget.

Camera for drains Art stated he was at a loss on a price for camera. This to be also brought up at sewage meeting next week. Camera cost is outrageous.

Tom said Police cruiser inspection not done yet. Keep forgetting to give key to Art to get done.

Next meeting will be held Thursday Feb 4th 7:00 PM

Amy going over letters - received a bill for Bolivar Borough .com to have web site. Apparently Colleen and Kelly were paying for this. No-one remembers password for site. Amy states web site very small and never updated. Discussion made to not to renew this.

Letter: Election board sent notice of upcoming election dates to be posted.

Transfer of payroll wages for 2016 was requested by Pat Betts for $18,300.00. Pat went over the carryover funds with suggestions of what to do with the funds. Explained to council remaining balances after payroll wages are transferred. Sue brought up the CD's purchased several years ago. It was explained they are still there and have been renewed. Sue suggested we try to get another $2500.00 CD, or $5000 max for 18 months and keep remaining balance in general fund to use for roads or other projects. Pat will check with Bank Manager on CD rates.

Motion approved by Amy, 2nd by Ron.  All approved.

Pat has suggested to keep door open to public. Hours would be Tuesdays and Thursday from 10 AM to 2 PM. starting January 12th. Amy suggested if not able to open then let her know and post if no-one else can make it to keep borough open. Also discussed to have ordinances to be put on line and we unable to have password reset. Pat to check with Comcast on getting web site back up. Amy said we really don't need to have a motion to approve. Everyone agreed on the hours. Posting to be done throughout town businesses and post office and borough building.

Amy brought up Sue's earlier discussion on old fire truck to be taken off insurance policy when new truck was brought in. Truck was to stay on policy for approximately 6 months we were never notified to have old truck taken off. Amy will talk to John Speidal on this subject and get back with us. Pat told her to make sure she got the make, year, and VIN # of vehicle to have it removed so she can call Rudi at FWF.

Amy requested executive meeting at 7:32.

Meeting re-started at 7:39 PM.

Amy made motion to give Pat a raise and make it $700 per month starting immediately.

Sue 2nd motion. Ron abstained from vote and everyone else approved.

Sue brought up pay time sometimes being paid in middle of month. Pat stated during past council was told you can get paid anytime during the month. It was brought up that pay period was done various times and she was curious as to why. Pat informed Sue that she was under instruction not to pay until end of the month for a certain person. Boro Workers are on a set pay schedule that was approved several years ago. Each worker has a copy of this schedule and it is posted on board in office. She also brought up my pay period and Pat informed her that she will get paid every other week starting this month.

Sewage meeting: Ron says meeting coming up January 13th

Parks & Rec.- Art brought up LED street lights. He discussed several other areas were getting LED's put in approx 12 to 24 at a time. Some places based on years of service with Penelec whether they were needed to be bought or just replaced. Any old contract over 10 years are pretty much covered. Art requested street light account for Penelec to talk to him. Pat said we have an old contract with Penelec in office. Art said he to get back with us on what was said. We can also pick where we want them to put LED's.

Street Commissioner report: If snows we are ready. Just need plow put on.

Amy wants everyone to contact her by cell number. She works all the time now.

Mayors report: Christmas cards received by Denise Thiel. Mayor also got invited to a banquet.

No other business. Tom also has police keys to give to Art.

Tom wants to have alternate date put on Sunshine posting. Was not put in Sunshine notice this year again. Most other municipalities have an alternate date if needed.

Amy suggested to have new dates posted in newspaper at another news paper posting. Put in agenda for next month.

Tom said if anyone asks for his phone number please give it out. Do not use the excuse you Cannot give out. If anyone gets a call from 911 don't state we don't give out phone numbers. Please give phone number out. Tom wants his number out there.

Parks & Rec. Dan said dance on January 30th. Theme 80's

Adjournment motion made to close meeting at 7:55 PM.


Patricia Betts
