This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy
Meeting was opened by Lou McLaughlin 7 PM
Keith St.Clair, Ron Betts, Lou McLaughlin, Sue Bartow, Jeffery Miller, Gladine McMaster
Absent: Clark Baird, Mayor
Public - Amy Lickenfelt, Everett Saxton, Greg Hughes, Melissa Miller, Jim Prisk- McCormick Taylor, Ed Evans - Curry & Kepple
Approval of Minutes from May 5, 2022.
Motion to approve May minutes made by Keith, 2nd by Gladine, all in favor, no nays, motion passed.
Treasurer Report
Sue questioned Greg hours in payroll for wages ending 5-28. Total hours paid was left off. Pat said she just forgot to put the total hours for that check on. Told Sue, "Sorry about that”, I guess I just forgot that one. You have a copy of his time sheets anyhow with his time on it.
Motion to approve treasurer report made by Gladine, 2nd by Keith, all in favor, no nays motions passed.
Special Guest's - Jim Prisk, McCormick Taylor & Ed from Curry & Kepple
Jim spoke up, just to detail the status of the improvements for the CDBG. As recalled the construction was delayed from last year to this year because of shortage of material delivery, the project needs to be done before the paving season ended. Amended the contract to start mid March to go through end of May of this year. Most of the work is complete at this point, and the main improvement that is not completed is the state inlet on SR 259, 1st & Lincoln St. When the inlet was finally opened to get started it was discovered that the inlet was much larger than was initially anticipated. It was found to have a 30" pipe which was 4 " bigger than originally thought which required a change order and a larger hole to be dug. We looked at several different options but the only one we could really do and be approved through PennDot was to replace the entire inlet. The old one is still in ok condition but the top is caving in now and just putting a slab over top would just create a bigger issue down the road. There would be a price increase and additional equipment than was originally planned.
Curry and Kepple presented just tonight a precast proposal which does at this point look to fall within the realm of funds still available. The recommendation is to use the precast because it is within our price and approve from PennDot at no extra cost to Borough.
Ed spoke up and said the only difference is the precast has a minimum of 4 week wait time to get made where as the pore in place we can do now but cost more money.
Jim said the cast in place is much more money and would have to be either paid for by county funds if they can find the extra money or by the Borough. "Lou commented, the Borough does not have those type of extra funds"
Ed said he can get the precast from Mack Industries within a 4 - 6 week period. He feels confident of this. Ed said he would make it fit my schedule to get completed.
Jeffery asked the question of how much funds are we talking about? Jim said with precast about $8600 and with pour in place about $11,000.
Jeffery asked about the extension. How much time do we have? Jim again said we have until the end of the year to get the job completed. We are asking for approximately 2 months extension. Jim said we could have the extension and change order both in one sweep. The county also has said it was ok to do this.
Jeffery asked about the other stuff. Is it all completed? Jim said they missed the curbing between 4th & 5th on McKinley. Ed said they also were holding off on asphalting on several places until we have the 1st & Lincoln St project is done. The curbing he said he missed will probably be done within the next week or so. Also the sealing needs to be done but after all the asphalt work has been completed.
Jeffery trying to do a revision of the addendum for the change order on the state storm drain.
Jeffery asked about the precast box if council approves going with it. Lou said we don't have a problem with going precast. Everyone else commented they had no problem with that. He also asked about extension of the contract until July 31. No one had a problem with this also as long as the county approves also. Keith said he just doesn't want the Borough to get messed up with any additional grants that we have in place.
An agreement could not be made on the cost because the line items were not broken down and what to do with the box already received that can no longer be used. Jeffery could not get an explanation of the costs from Curry & Kepple. Jim was also trying to figure out the cost breakdowns but could not be sure. Jim assumed we were getting credit for the wrong inlet and Ed said no we were not. Bolivar Borough now owns the inlet and gets no credit for it. Ed said the box is a no return item.
Jim asked Ed to go back and asked the owner, Matt to see if they can restock the inlet.
Jim said in his opinion he thought the price was higher than it should be and that is why he requested a breakdown on where the costs came from.
Jeffery said we are trying to amend the contract but you have no idea what the cost breakdown is.
Jeffery also suggested to come back next week June 9th if the county, engineer, and contractor could come to an agreement on the cost and what to do with the existing box.
Pat asked Ed if they were also going to fix the Boat ramp sign that they broke backing up. Ed was not aware they broke it but will fix it if they did it.
Pat also said she has a video of 5th & Lincoln St drain when it rains to show the water was flowing into the drain. Ed asked to see it and Pat showed the video as proof.
Public Comment: Everett has nothing, Greg had nothing, and Amy asked when the pot holes on Lincoln Street were going to be filled? Pat said they were already done this morning. Amy had nothing else to say. Lou asked Greg if there were any more pot holes to fill. Greg said there is more to do.
Solicitor report - nothing at this time.
Old business:
Update on water damage claim for office.
Pat said the restoration company still has the fans and dehumidifier soaking up the water. Until that is done they will not come back to start to tear up and fix. The furnace and hot water tank was checked out by Mullen's and they said it was ok. No damage to them because the 6 inches of water did not reach them the way the floor is slanted and both items are also on bricks.
Keith asked if we could get laminate flooring instead of carpeting. Pat said she would ask but usually what they take out they replace with the same stuff.
Clean up Day June 28th. Price list and sign- up sheet are for review. Pat passed around the signup sheet for cleanup day. Everyone agreed to keep the same prices.
Keith asked about the price of the dumpster. Pat said we usually pay $450 but probably went up to $500. 00 and we usually never make enough money to cover the dumpster.
Greg commented someone dropped off a microwave, sweeper and some other stuff down there. Not visible on the camera where they placed the items.
Clean Sweep update.
Pat said she talked to Dave today and he to come out on June 10th. He wanted to make sure we put up signs so people will not mark on street from 7 AM to 5 PM Pat also talked to Fire Dept. so he can get water. If cars not removed he will go around them and not sweep.
Sue had a couple questions? She wanted to know if we purchased a new grease gun. Sue wanted to know where it was purchased from and why was it not on Treasurer Report. She said it was April 14, that Greg was assembling it. Greg said it was a mini one that is kept in the closet at Quonset hut. Pat said it came from Lowes and was purchased at the time when the power washer and cleaning products for truck was purchased. Lou said we approved that already. Ron commented we did but Sue sets there and sleeps through this stuff. Sue commented, Excuse Me. Lou stepped in and said alright this is enough. Sue said she doesn't see a Lowes thing on the report of when it was.
The other thing is, Greg got paid mileage to go to Blairsville to get propane. We have a $93,000 truck sitting out here. Why did we pay Mr. Hughes to go to Blairsville when we have a truck out here to use?
Sue asked if it was during Greg's working time. Greg said no, but he had to pick up some stuff for work. He doesn't recall at the moment. Sue said that is why she wanted to see the time frame for this.
Pat said she would have to look. And the date she was asking for on Greg's time sheet. He did not work that week Feb 20 thru 26th. I cannot produce something that wasn't there.
Lou said he is stopping this now. He received a letter tonight that he wants to read.
Lou read letter to council that states:
I would like to inform you of the intention to resign from the Maintenance position at the Bolivar Borough office effective June 3, 2022. I have received an offer with another company and they have asked me to start as soon as possible.
Ron, thank you for your support while working at the borough and always having my back. In addition, I would like to thank the town people who would stop and acknowledge what a good job I was doing. It was nice and always appreciated that they notice that I took pride in keeping the town looking nice.
Please let me know what assistance I can offer as I transition out of my current role during the next week.
Gladine acknowledged by thanking him for his service and congratulated him for getting another job.
Lou and also Keith thanked Greg for his service.
Lou motioned to accept resignation 2nd by Keith all in favor, no nays motion passed.
New Business:
Highridge Water asphalt issue:
Pat said she had been getting and hearing complaints about the street cuts at 5th& Lincoln and also at 3rd & Shaffer Street. Pat said they were all done by Highridge. She called Mr. Gindlesberger and he informed her that they were put on the schedule to get patched this month. On the Pa One Call on 5th Street they also placed on the call that the homeowner was digging up the street by the drain and insisted they dig there first so Highridge had to dig up a 2nd hole to fix the leak.
Gladine wanted to know if we had the authority to site a citizens who takes it in their own hands to do something like this. Gladine said we should have a way to site a person for doing this sort of thing on their own.
Pat wanted to know what you wanted on the "Help Wanted" sign for the Borough worker.
Lou said he would like to see someone from the Borough get the position and not someone from outside the borough. They have to be qualified. They have to be able to run the skidsteer, plow snow, and other borough work. Jeffery also commented they also have to pass a drug, alcohol and physical. No CDL needed.
Any other business:
Sue said we need to address the grass cutting Ordinance around town. We have about 8 people that need to be notified, and this should have been done last month. Pat said we have a Mayor now, and Sue commented he isn't here now.
Greg asked how this was going to be enforced.
Sue said most of the time when we send a letter out the people did not realize they were in violation of the ordinance and take care of the situation. We have new people in town that don't know the ordinance. Sue said, these addressed are not. Sue said we need to decide now before next meeting that we have additional people that need to be sited rather than wait until next meeting.
Jeffery said that if Clark is to be in charge of enforcing the ordinance then make sure he takes photos and send to you for record in case we have to take to magistrate. Pat asked about the Stumble Inn property that has never been sited because of being your friend. Sue said they are on list now and we also have a current council member that is in violation.
Sue has the addresses but not sure on the owners. You can probably get from Cassie.
Mayor Report. Clark not here. Pat said, he did call her to let us know. She asked about the rumor going around town that Clark was getting a police offer in town. This is not true. He did comment to one of the driver of a vehicle leaving skid marks on streets that if this continued that he was calling in the PSP to come in on a routine bases.
Sewage Report:
Nothing at this time. Sue said not much.
Street Commissioner Report
Put 75 miles on truck, used 32.8 gallons fuel. Current mileage is 711.
Zero turn has 1115 miles on it, put 23.4 hours on this month and used 37.5 gallons of gas.
Parks & Rec-
Melissa said we received another grant for the upgrades at top playground for electric.
We are selling a ticket to help us in the playgrounds. We are asking people to sell tickets and purchase as well.
Pat said the ticket is in the name of the cemetery who is sponsoring the parks under their SGOC. All the money that is made for this is going to parks for their equipment.
Pat said we are also doing a separate ticket for the cemetery.
Sue said Scott Mear's wanted Melissa number. He knows of a band who is interested in singing at the park.
Motion to adjourn made by Keith, 2nd by Lou at 8:20 PM.
Patricia Betts