
JUNE 6, 2019



This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy
Meeting was opened by Clark Baird President at 7 PM

Present: Clark Baird, Ron Betts, Sue Bartow, Solicitor Jeff Miller, Lewis McLaughlin, Calin Gropp

Absent- Mayor Tom Pickup

Public Attendance – Amy Lickenfelt, Alex Ashcroft - Ligonier Echo, Dan Short, JR, Melissa Miller, Pam and Joe St. Clair, and guest speaker Bob McColly from Forestland Services

Approval of May 2 regular meeting minutes. Sue stated she asked Arch about the $1000 purchasing agreement from 2015. Arch said that was on a particular charge and not for anything as was stated in the minutes from 2015. Pat said she could not change the minutes from then. She did not type them up from that period of time, that came from prior Secretary. After further review, Ron motioned to approve, seconded by Sue. All in favor, motion passed.

Approval of Treasurer Report. Sue asked about the deposit slips for the general account that was charged on May 3. Pat said we ran out of deposit slips and needed to order more. Sue asked about how often we had to order them and was informed this is the first time in several years that they were ordered and Pat ordered just the minimum. After review Sue motioned to approve Treasurer Report, 2nd by Lou. All in favor, motion passed.

Guest Speaker: Bob McColly, from Forest Land Services spoke on timbering at the Stump Farm property owned by the Borough. He suggested we do a select harvest, taking out the dead, dying, deformed trees, and over mature trees leaving good trees with healthy crowns to harvest again in 10- 15 years. He explained how the trees would be mark for timbering companies. Code used is : two dots- represents pulp trees 6-8-10 inch, Saw tree uses a dash, overgrown bigger tree is marked with an X, and a good and bad tree we use an X and a Bar across the tree. After that we come up with a summery tree list stating how many of each tree is to be cut and sold. He estimates the Borough at the present time could easily receive 30, to 40 thousand ($30,000 - $40,000) from cutting. After the summery is done we will send out a notice for a meeting with potential bidders to walk them through the area. Mr. McColly will send out notices to approx 90 to 100 bidders across the state and payment made to the Borough in 3 time frames. This allows the little guy to compete with the big guy. He would also require a cash bond on hand, and liability INS, and will also insure the road is fixed up again when they are done. He also recommends selling this fall and not this summer because of the tariff pricing that is going on now. He also recommends we give the bidding company minimum 1 yr to 18 months to cut. The Borough does have the right to reject any and all bids that come in. The only problem is the road coming out of the forest area. They will have to come down through town because the cutting company will have no way to turn around. The trucks cannot get through the arch. They are 13 feet tall. After discussion and questions, Sue made the motion to approve Forest Land Services to go ahead and start the process, Ron 2nd's Lou said no, Calin said no, and Clark said yes. Motion carried and passes 3-2

Public Comment:

Pam wants an update on the Water and Sewage issue in her area. Water goes into flat land behind Galbreith's and Laurel Point Outfitters. Water comes down off the hill real fast. Jeffery said we had Fairfield Twp. and conservation district walk the area to see if they could find. We wanted to try to find the problem area. They found pipes everywhere and no one knows where they come from. We located the flap gates on the dykes and found one but the other is buried. Fairfield to try to get a machine down there to see if they could get it dug out and working again. Everyone recommends we get an engineer to come in and redesign a whole new system for water runoff throughout the town.

Joe, called the county assessor's office to reassess 548 Market St. That is the house we are tearing down. The 2nd thing is, there is no drain on the west side of the street and the curbing is missing. Who is responsible for the curbing? Lou said Penn Dot is responsible. Lou said the town is not responsible on the state highway. Joe said Peoples Gas is coming down the sidewalk and not the road.

Amy and Boone had nothing to say.

Solicitors Report. Will address as we go along.

Update on Storage Garage. Authorization to bid. Jeffery is confused on some of the things on this letter. In April USDA sent us a group of terms that we needed to get done. They listed the loan amounts first and the total is $95,900 for the project. USDA lists the grant as $47,500. The total of the two grants should be $50,000 and they are now listing it at $14,000. Jeffery wants everyone to understand that all the loan amount's need to be used first and the difference will come from the grant. Jeffery said we have the go a- head to go out and bid on the garage. Clark motions to go ahead and put the garage out for bid, Sue 2nds, all in favor motion passes, as long as we have the right to reject all bids if we chose to do.

Update on Comcast renewal contract. Jeffery said he sent another letter out in May and still hasn't gotten a response. Pat asked the question, what would happened if the contract expires and we still haven't renewed yet.

Update on the CDBG road grant. Bolivar got approved for the grant. Sue asked about the portion where the paperwork said we only are approved for the drains and not road construction. Lear Street cannot be done under reconstruction of the road. As far as the drain we can get but not the road. We can do as an alternate bid and fund separately. Check with the county as an alternative. Lear Street is priority # 7. Jeffery asked who did the grant paperwork. McCormick Taylor did the project. Lou motion to sign the paperwork, Ron 2nd, all in favor, motion passed.

Update on Dirt and Gravel Grant. Pat said she spoke to Mr. Crounour and he stated that Chelsea would be sending out the funds shortly.

Update on Boat Launch. Mr. Crounour said he was putting out the bids in early June and would get us the bids when they come in and he is having the project completion date of October this year.

Update on ATM Machine. Pat asked for an update with Mr. Hoover on this. He stated they are very close to having an answer. They have update all the machines to prevent possible fraud and they have purchased several machines and they will be delivered within the next several weeks. Jeffery would like for me to contact Keith and get something in writing for approval of the property for ATM machine so we will not have any problems down the line.

Police Car Update. Clark wanted an opinion on Neva's request. Sue said no leasing. They want to lease our car for several months until they get something to replace their car. Who is going to pay for the insurance and any upkeep? Lou said he was not for selling and not for leasing the car either. Calin is up for leasing but not for selling the car for $3500. Clark is not for selling or leasing. After we get timber money we possibly get another officer for weekends then we would not have a car. Sue not leasing and up to selling. If we lease it to them who is going to maintain the car. That will be on us. Sue made motion not to lease the car, Clark 2nds, Calin say no, Lou says no, Ron says yes. Motion carried. No leasing. Motion made to sell car for around $6,000, Calin 2nd, Lou say no, Ron says, No, Clark says no. Motion carried.

Drain problem by Kovac and St. Clair homes Lou says he would like to camera the drain to see just where it goes. Really need an engineer to look at the issue.

Update on 2nd & McKinley St. Ron would like to get approval to replace the drain. The catch basin are on CDBG but the drain is not. Ron thinks the same issue is going on as is on 5th & Washington. Clark says he saw the water not even going in the drain just running right over it and down the hill. A bill was presented by Bill Hughes to find the issue and to fix it. Bill's estimate needs to be more explicit. The estimate says it is to locate the problem so what is the cost to fix. Ron to get a better estimate. Jeffery is concerned about the budget spending for the roads. Discussion was made and decision was made to table to next month until we find out what Roto-Router is charging for 5th street.
Update on John Speidel and Pat Shank water issue. Greg put a curb at John Speidel's property. Greg said John Speidel now wants him to go the rest of way down the road. Pat Shanks' property he cannot see where the issue is because there is a curb around the sidewalk and down the street.

Update on the Right to Know revision. Everyone was given a copy of a notice stating all the town and municipalities Resolutions were being presented at the PSAB annual conference.

Yard Sale and Clean Up Days' Everyone received a copy of the notices for the two events and pricing for clean up days.

New Business: Signup sheet for clean up days. A sheet is being passed around for council to determine their shift turn.

July regular meeting date. The fourth of July is on our normal Thursday meeting. The July meeting was rescheduled for July 5th, however Jeffery will be out of town until Saturday. We had an alternative date of July 11, however the carnival parade is on the 11th. What do we want to do with the July meeting? Jeffery suggested we could call him if need be to discuss any issue that would need his input. Decision is to keep July 5th and if anything is needed for Jeffery we get in touch with him when he returns.

Engineer for entire town storm water drains. Lou says we need to find an engineer to map the entire town. Jeffery says to get a request for proposals from several engineers and let them know what you are looking for and ask what they would charge for the project. Jeffery to get several firms so we can send a letter and ask for their proposal.

Westmoreland County Solid Waste Management Plan. They are asking for us to review the proposed plan and comment on how it will affect us before July 5th. Table to next month. The proposed plan is on line.

Greg's weed eater and chain saw chain replacement. The borough's weed eater has a straight shaft which he cannot use because of his disability. He has been using his personal one and blew it up. He purchased a new weed eater and is asking for 1/2 the cost. He also bought a chain for the chainsaw and requests refunded. He paid total of $120.82. Clark motion to pay Greg, Lou 2nd. All in favor motion carried.

Properties 406 Shaffer and 547 Market St, high grass complaints. Pat said Sue spoke to several people on council for approval for me to send a notice on the high grass. Pat said she sent letters out June 4, giving property owners until the 14th, then the Borough would take over and place a lien against the property.

Joe has a question. John Kovac had someone over there to do some cutting and the machine being used broke down.

Clark noticed a lot of cars are parking on the sidewalk. He drives around every night to look over the town. Clark said we are responsible for the curbs, and they are being crushed down and they can't keep doing this. Letters need to be sent out or posted on the Bulletin board letting everyone know cars cannot be parked on the sidewalks. Another letter needs to be sent to the owner on Washington Street that he needs to fix his sidewalk.

Lou said he spoke to St Clair TWP Dave Ling, Code Enforcement Officer and said he was interested in coming to Bolivar also. Lou said he would ask about this before the next meeting.

Also pot holes in the arch. What can be done or who can we call to have the holes fixed. We call PennDot pole hole division.

Joe asked about 4 wheelers and side by side flying past his house. What can be done about this? It was determined to call the State Police because we have no officer to enforce the issue.

Clark was given a document from Sue from Jeffery on the Beer Tent issue for the Brickfest. Jeffery had suggested for council to rescind the motion to have alcohol in the park. Lou 2nd. All in favor, motion passed.

Pat wanted in the minutes that we are still having a beer tent during the Brickfest just not at the park. The beer tent will be held at the Legion along with the corn hole and everything else will be held at the park.

No other business.

Sewage Report. Ron said they are still working on getting the road asphalted and getting a camera. Lou said we need to have the sewage authority look into this. Jeffery said that Greg, Ron, and Sue are all on the sewage board and will have a better insight into this.

Mayor Report - nothing

Street Commissioner Report. 30.9 hours on zero turn and push mower and 59 gallons use. None in the truck. Zero turn has 788 hours on it at this time.

Parks and Rec. Report.

We have a movie coming up this Saturday night starting at dusk. On June 23, we have a concert 5- 7 pm. We also sent out a letter to Chestnut Ridge Mulch, asking for donation of mulch. They are donating 7 yards of soft bark mulch. We have several of our concerts and movies covered through sponsorships. We are putting in for a grant from Ligonier Endowment. We are still having fund raiser with pizza's from Pizza Post, and other ways. We have sent to the Pittsburgh Foundation for donation but haven't heard from them either.

Ron said he was asked by Margaret Saxton to ask if anyone know of a care giver - a live- in care giver who could help her out.

No other business, Clark motioned to adjourn, Lou 2nd. All in favor meeting adjourned 8:50 PM
Patricia Betts