This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy
Meeting was opened by Lewis McLaughlin, Council President at 7 PM.
Meeting was opened by Lewis McLaughlin, Council President at 7 PM.
Present: Lewis McLaughlin, Sue Bartow, Solicitor Jeff Miller, Ron Betts, Keith St.Clair McMaster
Absent: Mayor Tom Pickup, Gladine McMasters
Public Attendance: Zackary and Cassandra Burtop, and Dan Short, JR, Melissa Miller and Representative from McCormick Taylor Nick Van Atta
Special Guest - Nick Van Atta - McCormick Taylor for CDBG Bid Opening
Approval May meeting minutes. Keith motioned to approve 2nd by Ron. All in favor motion passed.
Approval of Treasurer Report. Sue asked about the $4,000 received from Peoples Gas . Wanted to know where it was going. Pat said it was a permit fee for the replacement of old gas line on Lear Street. It goes into the general account for general purposes. Keith motioned to approve 2nd by Lou. All in favor motion passed.
Solicitors Report – Jeffery states he has nothing to report.
Special Guest - Nick Van Atta - McCormick Taylor for bid opening results. Grant funds allocated were $ 117,042
1. Ray Winters & Sons bid amount was $ 142,919
2. Curry & Kepple bid amount was $ 108,258
3. Kukurin Contracting bid amount was $ 144,144
4. C H & D Enterprises bid amount was $ 136,333
5. Jet Jack, INC bid amount was $ 201,182
Upon review by engineers, council agreed to award Curry & Kepple with the 2020 / 2021 CDBG Storm Drain replacement project. Motion made by Lou 2nd by Ron, all in favor motion passed.
Public Comment . Dan Short would like 3rd street cleaned. Said also Greg needs shovel, rake and hoe to do the job.
Melissa said nothing to report.
Zack said 6th Street and McKinley, the old Treasurer house requesting letter be sent because of the old swimming pool and tree branches that have been part way in their yard and on the street. Lou motion to send a letter, 2nd by Keith. All in favor motion passed.
Cassie had nothing to say.
Old Business:
Logging update.
HMI is requesting their road bond to be released. They have completed their logging and repaired the roadway. The forester is requesting Bolivar to gate off the road until fall so the repairs made to the roadway can settled. The four wheelers are tearing up the road and this is the 4th time HMI went up and repaired it. Keith suggested to drop a tree long across the roadway, another suggestion was to purchase a trail cam, and another suggestion was to use the gates we have at Quonset hut.
Salt and Anti-skid storage bins.
Several bids were received for the project.
Marion Center Supply stated the 2X2X4 blocks needing 50 @ $85. each plus delivery and set up will cost $4250.
Lee Concrete Products stated the 2X2X4 blocks needing 48 @ $88.50 and 42X2X2 @$49.50 each plus delivery and set up will cost $5,694.00
Also to place a three sided Car Port style top would be 44' x 20 ' with 8' tall and have 3 sides enclosed would run $16, 500 with front gable. Without front gable it would run $ 15,960. This project is to be tabled until next month to see if a cheaper top can be found.
American Rescue Plan update. Pat gave everyone a chart showing how much funds the Borough will be receiving. We are getting $22,817.89 this year and next year again for a total of $45,635.78
Funds are restricted to certain projects. Decision was made to use funds for the 5th & Washington Street storm water drainage from Washington to Market Street. Pat to go on line to USDA and complete all necessary documents to receive the funds.
New Business
Next meeting July 1 at 7 PM.
Sewage Authority replacement request. Borough received a letter stating that Greg missed the last 3 meetings and therefore requesting the Borough to find a replacement to be on Board. Lou said he will check with Greg in his intentions. Letter was given to Lou by Zack on a possible replacement. Decision to be made during July meeting.
Borough lighting: Keith brought up the subject of having the lighting in the Borough building replaced with LED lights. He said he has found a 4 pack 2 light system with 5,000 illumination for $299.99. Sue asked if Keith contacted Lowes. Keith also said he found a 6 pack sold by Amazon for $399. This was tabled until next month to give Keith more time to check on other places.
Keith also asked about emergency lights for the Borough since we have none. Jeffery said he has one at the old fire station he will give to Borough.
Signup sheet for Clean Up Days. Pat passed around a signup sheet for council to work on clean up days.
Bill from All Star Garage . Pat received a bill for $75.00 from All Star coming out to adjust the censor on the Quonset Hut door. Pat called and never received a call back. Council agreed for Pat to send them a letter asking why we got a bill for a new install.
Boro Building outside painting - Keith
Keith said the Borough office building needs painted outside. Jeffery said he has the paint at the house.
Sue wants to know who is climbing the ladder. Keith said is that for the community or the borough worker. Needs scrapped and painted. It was suggested for Greg to do, however because of his disability he cannot hold the ladder and scrap and or paint that high. Possible get Westmoreland County people who needs community service to help do this.
High grass properties . Pat for Gladine to present several properties with a notice of violation. Properties to be notified are 703 Lincoln, 748 Lincoln, 759 Lincoln, 827 McKinley Street, 406 Shaffer Street.
Amending of high grass ordinance - Pat for Gladine
Gladine is requesting the grass ordinance to be amended to read as :
1st time offense $ 150
2nd time offense $ 300
3rd time offense $ 450
All other times $ 600 per offense
After discussion it was established the current Ordinance can do the same.
Needles in trash bin at lower park - have photos Pat
Each council person was given a copy of photos that Greg took while changing the trash bins at lower park. Needles without caps, needles exposed, aerosol cans all with regular trash were in busted bag.
Unfortunately the cameras are not located in the area of the tennis court where the can is located.
It was suggested to move the trash can in the view of the cameras. Keith stressed council needs to provide the necessary gloves and or equipment to protect himself when disposing of the needles if bag breaks.
Lou asked if any other business.
Sue asked a question for Ron concerning Greg. She wanted to know why Greg was not working 35 hours. She says his time sheet shows 20 hours. Borough has work that needs to be done preferably the streets need cleaned.
She also stated that if you cannot do your job then you should consider resigning as Street Commissioner. Ron looked at Sue and said "Thank you for your input, I will think about it."
Sewage Report: Zack said meeting next month.
Mayor report: Nothing to report. Mayor not present. Lou asked about what can be done for a Mayor. Discussion was made and it was decided that Pat write to Mayor, thank him for his past service and request a resignation from him so council can appoint a person to finish his term for the better of the community.
Street Commissioner Report
Truck put 52.4 miles on during May and used 32.1 gallons of gas
Zero turn put 16.1 hours and used 20.94 gallons gas
got 15 gallons diesel fuel and used 9 gallon in skid steer
Ron got 2 hoes, 1 garden rack, and breaker bar from Lowes totaling around $207.00
Went to Quaker Sales and got 1.10 Tons of asphalt. Greg and Ron filled pot holes around town that were needed after winter.
Lou said that a pot hole by Mario's still needs filled. Ron said that was done. The low dip everyone thinks is a pothole is actually a sunken drain.
Ron asked Lou about the skid steer. He has a guy that works on skid steer's and hopes he brings his service truck.
Lou wanted to know about guns being shot off in the Borough. What exactly does the Ordinance say. He has received several complaints about it. It doesn't matter whether there is a silencer on it or not. Kids run up and down back there and this goes on. Lou also asked Keith if he had a chance to stop at Game Commission to see what they say about shooting in town and around state game lands in town. Keith did not get a chance to stop but will. Lou also will call the state police to see what they can do.
Parks & Rec. Report
Pat said we had our first concert with the Boomers on May 30th. We have an upcoming concert June 13 with Long Road Home Band.
Parks is also looking into putting a light up at the upper playground. Penelec is looking into either using electric from a street light or parks using a non lighted pole and putting another meter and account to put lighting up there.
Lou asked if any other business. Keith motions to adjourn meeting 2nd by Lou all in favor motion carried 8:50 PM
Patricia Betts