March 21
This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy
Present: Ron Betts, Pat Betts, Beth Thompson
Absent: Aaron and Michelle Bouch, Melissa Miller, Pam & Joe StClair
Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM.
Approve February minutes
Motion was made by Ron Betts, 2nd by Beth, all approved motion carried.
Treasurer report - Beth motioned to approve 2nd by Ron all approved motion carried.
Update on Ligonier Endowment grant. Pat spoke to Melissa earlier and was told that Melissa was tweaking and it would be done this weekend.
Update on Beer and Wine Tent. Pat spoke to Dottie Miller from Winefest who sponsors wine and whiskey tasting events at Kovalchick Center. She would check into any vendors who would be interested in August event here. She stated she normally has approx 15 vendor who come and they bring their own personnel with them. She also explained the difference in type of events. Beer tasting event, we purchase our own beer and sell, we also need a special occasion permit for this. In a wine and whisky event, we do not need a permit because we are not selling the alcohol we are only hosting the event. Pat also explained that an entry fee of $25.00 would be charge and $5.00 for a 4 oz glass which can be unlimited taste testing. The individuals would then purchase bottles from the vendors. We would also need a very large tent for the event. This would run over $950. The vendors would also produce their liquor liability policies in advance of the event.
It was decided that would be too much for us to handle. We will do only the beer tent. Possible getting several beer distributors involved and charge 10% of their earnings instead of a vendor fee. Pat to check into this. Pat spoke to SGT Fisher from LCE who stated that we need to apply for the Special Occasion Permit on line approx 30 days in advance of the event. Cost is $85
If we don't charge an entry fee we do not need a permit. Decision was made to start approx 1 PM to 6 PM. Charge $25.00 entry fee for all you can drink test. Decision was made to use a beer insulated blanket to keep the kegs cold. Check to see if any brewery has a beer truck to serve and sell beer.
Update on liability insurance for park Cost of liability insurance for 1 day is $271. Parks said they would pay for this so we would be covered in case something happened.
Update on Car Cruise. Luck Garland said he would handle the entire cruise. He already spoke to Plaque Company and ordered the plaques. First 50 entries will get a plaque. He also said he will order approx 75 just in case. I already got a car cruise entrant. Luck is also telling people absolutely no burn outs.
Vendors / applicants. Pat said she sent out over 150 vendors. Sent some out by e-mail and by mail. We definitely got Kona for the event.
Pat also mentioned she sent out a vendor application for a band called" Broken Arrow." Awaiting to hear back from them.
Pizza Coupon sales update.P The legion found an envelope from last year pizzas and found $12.00 in it, so we have accounted for all pizza coupons from last year.
Pie sales, coming along good, Sandy Peters has sold, Melissa sold, Legion has sold, and I have sold. Will continue to go out this weekend as long as weather is nice.
Also received the contract from the Petting Zoo. Same price as last year. $1600. We are booked for Aug 10.
Donation letters are to be completed by this weekend and getting out this upcoming week.
Summer program we now have the dates for and will be sending the letters out to Fairfield and West Wheatfield to cover the cost of food and drinks.
Pat asked about the bouncy houses to be put on order. Beth to put order in for 2 houses and dunking booth. Let's look for obstacle course also for the kids. BJ's Entertainment is the place. We will also do all day wrist bands
Also port-a-john's need to be ordered from May thru Sept. Try to get same price so we can pay for ourselves.
Pat has a karaoke machine to use with Basket Party this year for BrickFest.
Mr. Ben Foust contacted Greg and wants to come in to drag the baseball field at Lower Park so kids could play baseball down there. It was agreed upon to let him do this. Ron said he was thinking about putting lines on the upper field so the kids could play football up there.
The slide at the lower park is broke so Greg is trying to take off so we can get it fixed.
The side storage area at the concession stand is getting ready to be ordered. Pat to check with Lowes to see if they will donate the materials.
Motion to adjourn made by Ron 2nd by Beth all in favor motion passed.
Meeting adjourned 7:30 PM
Patricia Betts