
March 7
Regular Meeting 

This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy

Meeting was opened by Clark Baird President at 7 PM

Present: Clark Baird, Ron Betts, Sue Bartow, Solicitor Jeff Miller, Lewis McLaughlin, Calin Gropp

Absent- Mayor Tom Pickup

Public Attendance – Amy Lickenfelt, Alex Ashcroft - Ligonier Echo, Pat Shank, Beth Thompson

Approval of February 7th regular meeting minutes. After review, Ron motioned to approve, seconded by Sue. All in favor, motion passed.

Approval of Treasurer Report. After review Sue made motion to approve, 2nd by Lou, all in favor motion passed.

Solicitor Report. Only thing I have is the Comcast contract that is listed under old business is that I prepared a package and sent to Comcast about two weeks ago and haven't heard anything back yet.

Public Comment: Pat Shank. Complained the curb is too low and water is coming into her basement and now has mold on the walls. Our son Bill has been working and cleaning the walls to take mold off the walls, and tomorrow we are having professional person to come in and clean it. Lou asked if it is asphalt or the old curb stone. Ron said the old curbs have sunk over the years. Paving the roads have made the road even with the curbs. Requesting to raise curb and put asphalt or cold patch on the curb to raise it up. Lou suggested to put cold patch down until the asphalt plant opens up to put asphalt curb on it.

Amy, Nothing at this time.

Beth - Parks & Rec is having their Brickfest on August 10th. We would like to have the Car Cruise again and also a Beer and Wine tasting tent. We of course will have to obtain a 1 day liquor license but we need to have council approval to have alcohol in the park for the event.

We also would like to shut down the streets for the car cruise. We want to have a little area blocked off to do this. Pat said we need to have council approval to do this because of the Ordinance of no alcohol in the park.
Jeffery - 2 things come in mind on this. Council would have to take some legislative action to allow this to happen since we have the Ordinance on this. 2nd - what sort of rider can be added to the policy for this event on a municipality policy Pat to check with FWF in 1 day coverage. Jeffery also wanted to know if we were providing the alcohol. Beth definitely explained that there will be other vendors who will provide the alcohol and their licenses for off -site consumption. We will also provide a special bracelet for each person and have area roped off to anyone under 21 yrs of age. Council will have to change the Ordinance to allow this to happen. Jeffery will check with the current Ordinance on making exceptions. Lou said he doesn't see a problem with it, Jeffery said the council is within the power to decide and limit the terms of alcohol in the park. Clark said all in favor for Jeffery to look into doing this.
Jeffery stressed that when Pat talks to FWF let them know this is the Borough and not a separate entity and we are asking to a rider to cover the Borough. They alcohol vendors will have their own license to serve and sell alcohol with them.

Car show, no burn out is permitted.

Bid Opening project for Boat Launch. Pat said we had 11 people inquire on the project, 6 people paid for bid packages and 3 submitted their bids.

1. Curry & Kepple - $ 55,850.91 No INS, workers comp or bond documents attached.
2. Gregori Construction - $ 68,450.00 No INS, workers comp or bond documents attached.
3. Vince Construction - $115,000 No INS, workers comp or bond documents attached.

Sue asked where the difference will come from. Pat said we could ask the Pittsburgh Foundation for additional funding.

Jeffery wanted a copy of the bid package and advertisement. Bid specifications do not say the other documents need to be attached with the bids. Jeffery does not know why Mr. Crounour wrote the bid up like he did. The bid documents should have an additional sentence that says payment bond. The bond should be 100% of the contract and must accompany bid. You cannot reject the bids based on non compliant because they are in compliance with the project. We can however reject all bids because they are too high. Jeffery wanted to see the advertisement. It has to say prevailing wages are required. The advertisement does not say prevailing wages. Jeffery said his recommendation is to reject them all. Jeffery said he specifically wrote to Mr. Crounour and said it must say prevailing wages and he ignored this just because it is private funds. It doesn't matter where the money came from it is a Borough project. Lou said we should reject all the bids until we get answers. Lou made motion to reject all bids and Calin 2nd motion. Pat said she will also notify Mr. Crounour with council decision and then there is no reason we should have to meet on Monday to go over the bids.

Meeting with Somerset Bank for a possible ATM machine in Bolivar. Somerset bank set 3 different options to choose from. The location of the machine is the difference. Council needs to decide where they want the machine to sit. 1 is at the edge of the building, 1 is between both side windows, and the other is part way in front of the side window. Sue also said she asked Pat to let Keith know about the proposal and see if USDA had a problem moving the building over by 4 feet to accommodate the drive thru clear thru to the alleyway. Pat said she contacted Keith on this, she explained to Keith about the underground sewage and gas lines that Mr. Robson wanted to stay away from. According to the bank architect they still would not
go over top of the lines by moving 4 feet over and still stay within the approved limits. Keith would like a conference call with the Architects, Somerset Bank, and council members to go over the two projects to ensure who is paying for what in the projects. Conference call should be Monday morning or Tuesday morning around 10 AM. Discussion on the positions of the ATM machine building was made and council suggested Option 3, having the building up front of the Borough building is the best option and most room.
Update on Storage garage conference call. Set up for conference call at 10 AM Tuesday.

Update on auditor for 2019 - 20 tax year. Pat said she never heard back from Seward and all other locations was discussed last month. Council decided on Singer Accounting for a three year contract. Ron motion to go with Signer, 2nd by Sue, all in favor motion carried.

Update on Dirt and Gravel Grant. - They approved 4th and Walnut Street extension for total of $9,601.80. They rejected the Washington Street project and the 9th Street Project so we will have to reapply next year. Clark motioned to accept the approved project, Calin 2nd, all in favor motion carried. Clark signed contract and Pat to forward to Conservation District.
Update on Suit-Kote for street cleaning. Pat said we did approve this last month but Pat said she received information that they are charging same as last year price which should be no more than the 8.5 hours at $100 per hour plus $100 coming and going.

New Business:

ARC Power Grant. Put back on agenda for this month for discussion. Everyone agreed not to do.

Liquid Fuels Funds are in for $20,930.74. An additional $550 more than expected from their assessment the past fall.

NIMS on line Courses: Both Lou and Calin need to take course and present their certificates when completed. Lou said he already did this. Pat requested copy, Lou not sure where his is so he said he would take again.

Payment to Jim Gregorich for damages. Bill presented to Borough for Borough truck backing into hand railing on his sidewalk. Mr. Gregorich bought the materials for $55.34. Sue motioned to pay, 2nd by Calin. All in favor motion passed.

Tiny Rams reading project. Westmoreland County United Way program are together with the School District for this new program for children 2-5 years of age. Reading program from 10 - 1025 meet with kids at the Library, teach them hygiene, reading and projects to get them prepared for school. For anybody in Westmoreland County that goes to Ligonier School District. Clark in agreement to let them use building, Lou 2nd. All in favor motion carried.

West Bolivar Bridge Start Date for repairs.
They to come in starting April 15 to replace bridge. Will be down to 1 lane until October. Penelec is now moving and upgrading the lines, and Gas Company to also set piping across the bridge work so West Bolivar can have natural gas. They will have a light regulating the traffic. The emergency companies will have a trigger switch to activate the lights when needed in emergency.

Per Capita Tax Bills
Amy got their parents Per Capita tax bill and it was addressed to the owners of the property for their tenants. Pat said she is hoping the land owners will give the tenants the tax bill or give us the names of the tenants so they can be billed directly. We cannot hold the landowner responsible for the tenant’s bill. We cannot go door to door to find out who lives there. We have used Berkheimer's list of payee, voter register's names and have picked up approx 60 additional people.

Clark asked for any other business. Pat said everyone got a notice from NASPO - value point government contract savings cards. Lowes is now part of Costars and this will give us an extra 7 % discount.

Ligonier Echo had an article in the paper about Verizon cell tower service. Discussion on this was made and it was determined for Pat to contact Ligonier to find out who to contact to get this service.

Amy requested to be taken off PSAB mailing list. She has let them know several times for this to happen and she still is getting notices.

Sewage Report - Having a meeting to purchase a camera to check lines. Greg will be trained on the usage so if the Borough wanted to use it then he will be able to do this also.

Mayors report - nothing

Street Commissioner Report. Truck put 59 miles and used 66.8 gallons of gas. A lot of the time it is sitting and idling a lot. Zero turn used 7.2 gallons. Need approval to get from Hercules Truck 1 skid shoe for plow and set of plow poles. Cost of plow poles is 53.00 per set and 50.76 for plow shoe for total of $103.76. We have a new shoe already at the Quonset hut.
Sue motions to pay Hercules $103.76 Clark 2nd, all in favor motion carried.

2nd and Crabapple Lane and 2nd and McKinley St, the drain line is angled back to the drains and the pipe is plugged up. Bill needs to get to Ron and estimate on changing the pipes to go straight down and also to replace the catch basins at both locations. Sue wanted to know if both drains are on the CDBG grant. Sue suggests we wait until we hear from CDBG. Ron used the fire truck to try to open drains but it couldn't clean the line out. We need to wait until the weather brakes to be able to do something about it. Try to get an estimate for next month meeting. Nash is gone and done with his hours. We have Michael Raineri now with additional hour when school is out.

Parks & Recreation report.

Election of voters was redone this past meeting in February. Ben West is out and Michelle Bouch is in for 1 year.

We worked on the schedule for this year events. Working on a car cruise, Patsy Cline and Elvis Impersonators to perform, and lots of activities and vendors. Also trying for the petting zoo to be done at Brickfest. Melissa working on grant through Ligonier endowment to help defray the cost of the events. We currently looking for several bands that are within 4 - 5 hundred dollar range.

Park clean up day will be May 18 at the parks.

Also doing pie sales and pizza sales again for fund raisers.

Motion to adjourn made by Lou and 2nd by Calin at 8:30 PM
All in favor motion passed.

Patricia Betts
