
March 21, 2024

This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy

Meeting was opened by Brittany Miller, President at 7:05 PM

Present:  Brittany Miller, Melissa Miller, Jessica Betts, Brittany Hughes, Ron Betts

Absent:   Everett Saxton, Larry Lute

Brittany asked if anyone heard from Everett.  Pat said she emailed and called,  left message.  Also called Larry Lute and left message. 

Public Attendance:  none

Approval of February meeting minutes.

Motion made to approve February minutes made by Brittany H, 2nd by Jessica with correction on name McCrae to Martino, all in favor motion passed.

Approval of treasurer report for February

Brittany asked what the bottom line was.  Pat said as of today the check book has $6,489.11 and project fund has $37,771.24.  Pat said funds not assigned to anything yet total $20,373.48, upper park fund $6,000.00, lower park $3,913.76,  59 Bricks for $2,280.00. events $5,124.

Motion made by Mellissa to accept treasurer report, 2nd by Jess, all in favor motion passed. 

Old Business

Update on any grants:

Brittany said she has completed a grant to Erie Ins. Should hear something within 8 weeks.  Working on Robert Shaw grant, due in June.   Also contacted Sue Rossi campaign office asking for help on government grants.  Brittany enrolled us in the PA Parks Fund.  Pat  mentioned about contacting Keith Vasas for help in grant writing.   Brittany also to contact Norfolk Southern, T-Mobile, and Lowes who all have grants for parks. 

Mellissa asked if Pat knew how long the wooden structure was put up at the park.  Pat said approx 2014 the funds were sponsored by the Legion. 

Update on 2024 event flyers.

Pat gave to Mellissa for hand out.  Brittany & Mellissa to walk around town.  Going to have pizza post put on pizza boxes.  Also have Pam put in bags at store. 

Update on Sponsors  

Pat sent out two weeks ago the 2nd set of letters.  Brittany asked about S & T Bank. Pat said she personally handed the branch manager a brick application, and sponsorship letter. 

Brittany asked about Dollar Bank in Ligonier.  Pat to send a letter out to them in the morning. 

Discussion was made where to place the sponsorship banners when we get them.  Decision was to put 1 large one on the side of concession stand. 

We still need $1540 to cover remaining events.  Brittany said we should add the Methodist Church to the list since they gave us $8500 for the parks.

Update on Vendor letters for Brickfest

Pat said we have received 7 vendor applications so far and 3 of those vendors are wine tasting vendors.  Pat said she is presenting the wine vendors to the insurance carrier first and getting their approval before accepting them.  Pat is keeping the approvals with their applications so council will have proof they have all necessary documentation needed for the event.   Pat also said we need to rope them off during Brickfest away from the kids events. 

Update on Brick sales

Pat said we currently have 59 bricks sold   Board decided to use April 1 as cutoff date for all 180 bricks to be sold.

Mellissa asked if anyone asked the Fire Dept if they would purchase a brick. She to ask Heidi Speidel.

Also to ask Dana's Dog Groomer, and Pizza Post. 

Discussion made to have evening hours for bricks to be dropped off.  Boro Wednesday 6-8 pm and or Brittany and Mellissa homes.

Update on 2nd set of steps at upper park.

Brittany said she received quote from Jimmy on doing the steps same time as the basketball court.  Quote was $2500.  He to put 8 steps and 2 4x4 landings.  Jimmy said he will probably put rebar in them and cover over the steps.  Mellissa motions to do the steps, 2nd by Brittany Hughes, all in favor motion passed. 

Update on Bannister for steps

Pat suggested to contact Parrish Contracting.  She spoke to them about a banister and they said they would be willing to put up one. 

Update on flag light at park.

Mellissa said Jeffery replaced that afternoon. 

Update on cow plop ticket sales

Mellissa has tickets disbursed and only has 10 left at house.  Mellissa said Sara took 40 tickets to sell at school.   On line we have 16 or 17 gone.  Jess has several sold.  Mellissa to give Brittany Hughes 5 from her 10 leftover.  Brittany did confirm they have 3 cows to choose from.  We also have Wayne as the DJ again this year.

No other old business to discuss.

New Business:

Citizens Ambulance request for donation.

Pat presented a  donation letter from Citizens Ambulance that certain people on council wanted parks to donate.  That person said that parks had lots of money and the borough did not so we should donate to them.  Other municipalities have donated in the past and Citizens is looking for donation again this year.  Discussion was made on the donation.  Parks decided to offer $250 if the Borough would also donate $250.  Pat  and Mellissa to take back to council next month and present to them the proposal. 

FAVOR - joint grant for summer

Dave from FAVOR came to borough office with an application for Ligonier Endowment to apply for a grant for a summer program for the kids.  After discussion with Dave and Kim from FAVOR we explained they would be better off applying on their own.  Parks has received several grants from Ligonier endowment already and if we were applying again with them, they would probably be rejected. 

Any other Business?

Ron would like to tie all the locations at the park together with sidewalks.  Discussion was made on the subject and maybe when the renovations are complete we could possibly do this.

Brittany said possibly next year parks could do their own egg hunt for the kids.  Brittany said she wants to hide them.

The play house was discussed again and board decided to ask John Speidel if the fire department wanted to have a controlled burn of the playhouse.    This is one way to get rid of the house. 

Art not be able to do the landscaping at the park this year.  We need to contact someone to help keep is up this year.  Several people's names came up in discussion.  Brittany and Mellissa to talk to the individuals. 

Nothing else to discuss, motion to adjourn made by Mellissa, 2nd by Jess.  All in favor motion passed at 8 PM


Patricia Betts