October 5
Regular Meeting Minutes
This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy
Present: Sue Bartow, Clark Baird, Solicitor Jeff Miller, Ron Betts
Absent- Amy Lickenfelt, Mark Scribe, Mayor Tom Pickup
Public Attendance - Ligonier Echo - Alexander Ashcroft, Dan Short, JR, Pam and Joe StClair, Beth Thompson, Norm Myers
Meeting called to order at 7 PM by Ron.
Approval of Sept 7 Regular meeting minutes. Clark motion to approve and 2nd by Sue. Minutes approved.
Approval of Sept 18 Special Meeting minutes. Clark motions to approve, 2nd by Sue. Minutes approved.
Treasurer report for September - Clark motion to approve and Sue 2nd. Treasurer report approved.
Solicitor Report will be done as we go along, and there is an Ordinance that has to be approved and signed.
Public comment - Ron went around audience, Beth Thompson, Aaron Bouch, Dan Short JR, Joe and Pam StClair all had nothing to say.
Mr. John Myers of 545 Market Street was requesting a letter from the Borough to state his property was not in a flood zone area. He also requested a drain put at the corner of his property to drain water away from his house.
Jeffery asked how he knew he was not in flood zone. Pat brought up the maps that was done in 1994. Apparently Jeffery said the flood maps were redone in 2010 or 2011. Jeffery stated that Archie Dodson had an engineer to come out and do the zoning elevations for his property. The engineer certification made the determination that it was in the flood zone. Pam St Clair also said she had the site certification survey done on her property.
Ron apologized to Mr. Myers for not knowing about another certification survey. Mr. Myers and Jeffery said we should have a disc on the documents that were sent to the Borough on the new survey maps of the Flood Zone Area. Jeffery advised council not to issue a letter based on the newer survey that was done. Again Ron apologized to Mr. Myers for the wrong map being issued to him.
On the drain issue at that location, Jeffery said we also needed a HOP Permit from the state to alter the drain by installing another one along the state highway.
Pat said the HOP permit is not easy to get but can be done. We would need an engineer to complete the application before the Boro Worker can do the project. Jeffery suggested that Pat see if Bill Hughes will help complete the HOP permit application for Boro Worker to do the job and save funding.
Garage litigation nothing new to report.
Parks and Rec Ordinance - everyone had a chance to read it and Ron also asked Beth her thoughts. Everyone agreed it was good. Jeffery said the council could approve this evening. Sue motioned to approve Ordinance and Clark 2nd. Motion carried. Pat to get Mayor and Council President to sign off.
Resolution on issuing parks permits - Jeffery does not have yet. Jeffery asked if council wanted parks to handle the approvals or not. Pat said that the past meetings on this issue was stated that council president and or vice president would sign off.
Completion of drain repairs on 5th street. Awaiting Bill Hughes to start project. He has the supplies. Was hoping to get the road cut this past week but got tied up with several other funerals and projects.
Update on police contract. Sue brought up an article from Latrobe Bulletin saying Ron had completed the contract on the Sept 7 meeting with New Florence which was not correct because the contract was not signed by Bolivar until Sept 18 meeting and New Florence did not sign until their meeting on September 19th.
Clark asked if they picked up the cruiser yet? Ron said he still has it in his garage. The day New Florence was to pick up the car was when they had the major drug bust and Officer Salley could not get it then.
Pat was informed by the Mayor, Mr. Pickup that we were awaiting the approval through 911 in order for New Florence to get our calls and use the police car and service. He also said that we would have them on duty for our parade and trick or treating at the end of month.
Sue asked if we are sending them a lump sum or are they billing us monthly. Sue said we are already 1 week into contract and still no service. Pat said they would bill us monthly and they would start soon as they get cleared through 911.
Sewage Authority representative for Bolivar - no one has applied or are interested in the position. Beth asked if the position was posted. Pat said it was put on the bulletin board, taken down, put back up and taken down again. Will table until next month.
Merry-go round update. Ron said the merry go round is in and kids are using.
Next meeting will be held on Thursday November 2at 7 pm.
Additional date for budget workshop. Clark works hoot owl next week after that he has no idea when. He said he can meet any day at 6 pm but no later than that. He has to leave for work by 8 pm. Pat to check with Amy and Mark on their schedules and get back to everyone.
Clark brought up the drain question on Lear street. Jeffery wanted to know how we found it. It was explained that while Bill Rigby was cleaning the drains before a big storm he came across the drain with a steel plate over it. When lifting the steel plate the drain had a very large hole on the side of it that needs fixed. Penndot says it is in their right of way and therefore need a HOP permit to fix. Jeffery wanted to know why we could not just cover the drain back up and forget about it but the side is caved in and needs to be fixed. Pat explained the requirement process of getting a HOP permit and this is something that the Boro Worker cannot just go down and mess with without the proper equipment. Jeffery suggested at first to get an engineer to look at it and complete the process for the permit. Pat asked if Bill Hughes to look at it and do the same thing since he already did another one on the state highway by fire station. Jeffery suggested then to see if Bill Hughes would look at it and help with the permit.
Fire Dept - Halloween parade for Sunday Oct 29 starting at 2 PM and Trick and Treating to follow from 4 - 6 pm. Sue said they need approval for street closure, Lincoln & 6th St and 3rd & Market for parade.
Also fall crawl to take place Oct 28th. Need road closure 5th & Shaffer, 6th & Market, 2nd & Washington, and 2nd & Lincoln and 2nd & Water and 3rd Street. Also asked if police dept would be available that day. They will have fire personnel controlling traffic until the race is completed. Sue motioned to approve, Clark 2nds. motion passed.
Timbering for additional revenue. Ron looked into the contracts, and wanted to know if additional timbering could be done. Jeffery said they clear cut 20 acres. The contract said differently. Jeffery said Larry Powell from Appalachian Forest Consultants stayed on site, marks trees and marketed the lumber for us. He has done this several times for the Borough. Ron said he would like to see approx 50 more acres to be cut and save the rest for growth and future use. Jeffery suggested for Pat to contact Mr. Powell and asked for his assistance to see if any further cutting can be done.
Pat is requesting $60. for parks to purchase pumpkins for the carving event on Oct 15th. Sue motions to approve funds, Clark 2nd. Motion passed.
Approval of parks members board.
Pat said - Beth Thompson is chairperson 5 years
Aaron Bouch is vice chairperson 4 years
Pat Betts is Secretary/Treasurer 3 years
Melissa Miller voting board member 2 years
Ben West voting board member. 1 year.
Sue motions to approve parks new board members, Clark 2nds. Motion passed.
Position to be effective January 1, 2018. Until then Council agrees to accept them.
Parks and Rec requests to have bank account opened and transfer $100 from General account from this year's budget to the parks account. Beth and Aaron to be on account along with Pat. Sue motions to open account, Clark 2nds. Motion passed.
Municipal lien filings for 2017. Jeffery said this was already done. Pat gave Jeffery his copies to keep on file.
Letters - Game Commission on Trees, Ron gave papers to Beth, Highridge Water Authority notice on violation of water level contamination. Board of Assessment appeals on old fire dept property. County Borough Assoc meeting on CDBG funding, training classes for Boro Worker.
Sewage Committee: No Report. Meeting was cancelled
Mayor Report. no report at this time.
Street commissioner Report. - Asphalt was received to patch pot holes.
Parks report - Beth reported hayrides are starting this Saturday and every Saturday through October. Pumpkin Carving on the 15h at 1 PM. and also Home decorating contest for Christmas.
Received a notice From George Dougherty from EIP program and giving a final report update hopefully during October or November meeting.
Ron asked if there was any other business.
Pam would like to recommend for council to get the word out for everyone to keep their porch lights on for safety. Ron said unfortunately that council does not pay for everyone's electric and really cannot ask them to do so.
Ron again asked if there is any other business to discuss?
Sue motioned to adjourn at 8:00. Clark 2nd. All approved.