
Nov 16 

This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy

Meeting was opened by Brittney Miller  at 7:02 PM


Pat Betts, Melissa Miller, Brittney Miller and Brittany Hughes

Absent:  Ron Betts

Public Attendance:  Jessica Betts

Approval of Sept regular meeting minutes.

Brittney asked if anyone wished to approve the minutes.   

Motion made to approve Sept minutes made by Melissa, 2nd by Brittney Hughes , all in favor motion passes.

Approval of treasurer report for Sept and Oct

Melissa asked a question. On Oct 27 the EFW from bank on check # 904. What is that?  Pat said that was an electronic withdraw by the bank for a return check fee and to cover 2 coupons purchased.  Pat said she went directly to the individual and got reimbursed for the entire amount. 

Brittney said the available funds we have now is around $5,000?  Pat said between the project fund and the gen fund we have over $9,000 in bank.  Our play money we currently have is $4,024.51 

The $100 check we just got I put into the project fund for the lower park fund. 

Motion made to approve treasurer reports made by Melissa, 2nd by Brittney Hughes.  all in favor motion passed.

Old Business

Appointment of 1 additional voting board member.

Pat said we are still one shy.  Brittney asked which one.  Pat said Brittney Miller took Aaron spot, Brittney Hughes took Michelle spot and Brittney Hughes spot is open.    Discussion was made on who we recommend to take the spot.  We got out the Ordinance for the park to ensure we were doing this correctly.  After rereading the Ordinance decision was made by Melissa and 2nd by Brittney H to recommend Jessica Betts to take the vacant spot on the board. 

Melissa will bring recommendation to council at the December meeting so they can approve. 

Update on any new grants.

Brittney Miller said she has applied for a DCNR grant.  She hasn't heard anything about it yet. 

My overall thought is to go big.  I think we could come up with a good plan and use one of our ticket funds to hire a grant writer to do for us.  I was talking to an engineer on this I was told the engineer fees can be worked into the grant also. 

Discussion with several people it seems we could do a community center, walking grant, update the tennis courts, put in permanent restrooms and do energy efficiency   items.  Could put in a community gardens. 

New Business

Schedule for 2023 concerts. 

Pat said we usually have all the concerts set up for 2023.  We have fallen behind on this year. 

The Three of Hearts  have contacted me with their schedule and wanted to know if we would like to have them back this year.

Views from each member were discussing the different bands and how many people that came to them.  Looking for a variety of bands. 

So far our schedule is

May 29th - Krazy Kat Daddy



Aug 12th - Dusty Peters -Over the Hill Band, and Part Time Cowboys.


Oct 21


Also discussion was made on moving the bands to the road instead of the stage area. 

Brittney M said we don't have a place to dance either, so trying to get a polka band would not be able to do.  

We need to look for a theme for each of the bands.  We really need to go back to once a month meeting. 

Lets come up with several themes for the next meeting .

Melissa was curious if Everett would let us do fireworks this year over Memorial Day if she would get her brother in law to do the fireworks.  We would have to change the time of the concert to co- inside with the concert.  We need to confirm the fireworks before we continue further on this.

Set up for Christmas in park and telephone poles (candy canes). 

Pat said, Ron and my plan was doing the candy canes this past week did not take place.  Brittney said Myers and Tyler will put them up.  If you do it on a Saturday I'm sure we can get more people to help. 

All the candy canes and straps are in the concession stand except for the 30 additional canes we got to finish off the poles. 

Donation from Janet Hoel in memory of late husband.

Pat said she has 2 blow ups and a huge Santa bag in memory of Hans for the park.

Who to be Santa this year.

Melissa said that Shultz will do again this year. 

Decision was made to move the Santa mail box to be placed in front of the Borough Office this year. 

Empty of frig, with soda before winter cold sets in to stay.

Melissa said she would go up and empty the frig and unplug for the winter. 

Melissa was asking for $5 per case.

Next meeting will be December 8th at 7 PM.

2023 Sunshine notice.

Pat will redo since we have decided to go back to once a month instead of every other month. 

Any other business:

Brittney M.  thought this year is to do a home decorating contest.  Can we do a town wide contest.  We can give $100 for 1 winner.  Bolivar only. 

Discussion on past contests that was held and what we can do now with it.

Brittney H motion to give $100 2nd by Melissa, all in favor motion passed. 

Dec 17th is Santa, sleigh rides and contest from 4-6 pm. 

Other ideas was on fund raising.  We need to come up with different ideas. 

No other business, motion made by Brittney Miller and 2nd by Melissa to adjourn at 8:00 PM. 


Patricia Betts
