This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy
Meeting opened at 7:00 PM by Brittany Hughes- VP
Attendance, Mellissa Miller, Brittany Hughes, Jessica Betts, Brittany Miller, arrived late
Absent Ron
Public Attendance: none
Approval of Oct minutes
After review Jessica motions to approve Sept minutes. 2nd by Mellissa all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer Report: After review Oct and Nov report’s was motioned by Jessica and 2nd by Mellissa for approval. All in favor motion passed.
Jessica asked about the Oct report. Pat said everything up to today's date is on the report.
Old Business:
Update on book sales.
Mellissa said we had 2 left. Jessica said she knows someone who might want one. She to contact.
Pat suggested for Mellissa to contact the Wagner’. They seems to want another book if we had one.
Update on ornament sales
Mellissa said we had 3 left to sell. Last time she was at Pam’s she had 3 left. Mellissa left them there. Brittany wanted one and documented with them that Brittany will pay. Mellissa said she has 3 with herself holding for Diane Cramer. Total left to be paid for is 6.
The old misc. ornaments we still have but no big deal. We selling for 50 Cents. Someone might want to give as a Christmas gift.
Update on Andy Pahach plaque
Brittany said Parrish Contracting started yesterday. Brittany said she made them redo it because I did not like it. She wanted it to come up higher. Wanted the names of the bricks to come up higher.
Pat asked why they put it there instead of on the bank away from stuff. Brittany said Myers and I thought people would not see I t if put on the bank, so we decided to put it on the corner so people could see it. We were going to put it behind the basketball hoop but thought people would run into it. He is to use regular Bolivar bricks for fill in.
Update on moving of storage shed before winter.
Mellissa has not asked Ken about it yet. Jeffery said he should not have a problem with it. Jessica had thought Brittany and Myers were with Ken the other day looking at it. Mellissa said it was not Ken it was another person. Mellissa asked if it was worth moving it at this time of year. It has to be level. Pat said it is going on the gravel area which is already level next to the concession stand. Mellissa texted Ken while at the meeting.
Brittany said it is plastic it is not wood. There is also a bee’s nest in it. It is still very heavy. Brittany said she did call a mover
Update on ticket sales.
Brittany still has 20 out and Mellissa has 20. Tyler is all sold. We just need to get the money and stubs from him.
New Business:
Final Results for Christmas with Santa Dec 15
Mellissa said she called Cindy Shetler and asked her husband to be Santa. Pat said she thought Scott wanted to be Santa. Mellissa said the problem is with Scott is if anyone has a cold he freaks out. If the kids are sick Scott wipes is hands with disinfectant immediately.
Pat asked if Melissa knew when we were allowed to go down to decorate. Mellissa said probably within one hour of the event. They already have it decorated. Pat asked if we could still use our setup from last year. Mellissa thought we should still be able to.
Mellissa said about cookies. She just needs to find someone to make plain sugar cookies. The kids could decorate. Mellissa to call the person she used for the wedding.
Brittany asked about someone who may have a Polaroid camera to take photos. Mellissa said she has one that takes small photos, we just have to buy the film. Mellissa will also look into a photo booth.
Mellissa said there is something on Oriental Trading they we could possibly get. I will order the stuff and send a notice for everyone to approve. If you can’t get someone to do the cookies Jess said she has someone that could do the cookies.
Cost of hay bales for Christmas decorations
Brittany said we haven’t had time to look at pricing. Brittany said we will possibly look after Thanksgiving.
Setting dates for 2025 events.
Pat said she has people asking about dates now. Brittany said she has people contacting her also.
May 25 – Stacy and the Rejects cost $500
June 22 – Krazy Kat Daddies $360
July 20 Kids – Pittsburgh mobile zoo possible- $200 for 2 hours (do chicken nuggets & hot dogs)
Aug 9th – Brickfest –
- Polka Band $700 1-3 Mike Skapura
- Basket Raffle goes off 7 PM.
Sept 13 movie night 7:30 PM - family movie
Any other business
Mellissa wanted to know if we are doing a gun bash this year. If we are we better get on it. Brittany Miller said she just can’t do it this year.
Everyone needs to come back in December with a suggestion for a fund raiser.
Mellissa said we need to send out letters promoting next year. We should redo the letter this year also. Mellissa said she will do the letters.
Mellissa said we have Brittany Hughes position coming up for renewal this year. Mellissa motions to renewal Brittany’s position for another 5 year term, 2nd by Jessica, all in favor motion passed. Mellissa to bring up in December council meeting for their approval also.
Jess asked about decorating for parks for Christmas. Everyone decided to wait until after Thanksgiving.
Pat said the mailbox needs to come down to Borough office. By Dec 1st. Brittany Hughes said she would get it down here and Mellissa said she will let her in.
No other business to discuss at this time.
Motion made to adjourn at 8:10 PM made by Jess, 2nd by Brittany, all in favor motion passed.
Patricia Betts