
​​​​​​​Parks Meeting

This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy

Meeting was opened by Brittany Miller, President at 7:02 PM

PresentBrittany Miller, Brittany Hughes, Ron Betts, Mellissa Miller, Jessica Betts

Absent:  Everett Saxton, Larry Lute

Public Attendance:  Gwen Kovac

Approval of August meeting minutes.

After review motion was made to approve July minutes by Mellissa 2nd by Brittany H, all in favor motion passed.

Approval of treasurer report for August

Mellissa asked about the profit from Brickfest.  On the one report I had $5832.02 and what was transferred to project fund was $5430.97 When taking the tents from the proceeds the tents cost $401.05  The is a difference of 5 cents.  Pat to check out where she messed up in the subtraction.

After review motion made by Mellissa to approve Treasurer report, 2nd by Brittany H, all in favor motion passed. 

Old Business

Cash & Gun Bash event  for Nov 5th

Gun Bash Food - Mellissa suggested Meatballs, or subs, hot sausage, hot dogs, Not sure whether doing both luski or rigatoni.   potatoes, green beans, nachos & cheese, gob cakes and cookies

If catered it would be a couple thousand dollars. 

Brittany M and Mellissa both said most tickets are sold and don't think will have a problem with selling them all.

Mellissa said she was also going to contact Delgrosso to see if they would donate the sauce. 

We have the soda and water, and the Legion will do the cans of beer.  We purchase from them.  We may need to get bags of chips. 

We can have specific jobs set aside for the gun bash also. 

Update on Fun Day Oct 21

Gwen - The girls at the club will do all decorations.  Parks can do the cupcakes, finger foods, and candy

We are not doing food at all.  Gwen gave us several ideas she got from the website for ideas for finger foods.  

Motion to spend up to $150 for candy made by Ron 2nd by Mellissa.  All in favor motion passed. 

Gwen said she hasn't been able to sell all the tickets for funds for Fun day.  She needs help with this. 

Our theme is witches so if you could do things around that. 

Mellissa commented to Gwen in not a hurtful way but just to let her know that she does spend too much time in giving away things and buying items that really isn't necessary because the parents don't appreciate what you do. 

Brittany asked if we are still going to try to get pumpkins donated again this year.  Pat said we set aside $175 this year.  We will do a signup sheet again this year and charge $5 signup sheet then give the money back when they show up to get their pumpkins. 

Time frame discussion this year will be going on at the same time 4 - 6 PM.  then the kids can go to Legion .  They are opening at 5 PM.  We will start the movie at 7 PM. 

We are looking at Hocus Pocus 2 if we can find it.  Otherwise we will do Hocus Pocus. 

Brittany M and Pat discussed the treats that we could do.  Decided on the witches broom, pumpkin poop, and candy hands. 

Discussion on decorating the park was also made.  Decided to do Oct 1st at 4 PM.  Mellissa said we have a church thing on Sunday from 12 to 3 PM. 

Update on Pre-ordering for Sesquicentennial Book

Pat found the order slip for the books from the Sesquicentennial Book and gave to Mellissa to contact the company.  Update to come next month.

New Business:

Keys for Electric Box. 

Pat gave to Brittany and Mellissa.  Brittany has also the 2nd set of keys for the side shed, so now Brittany has a complete set of her own.

Any other Business?

Mellissa said we need to have to schedule for next year and have it ready to go by January.  So in November and Dec meeting. 

Sponsorships we need to get out in December instead of January and February.  Cindy Shaffer is going to help me make a bigger sponsorship letter.  Need to be very specific.

Also last year the circus came to Bedford.  Mellissa contacted them and asked if they would come as far as Bolivar.  Lumus Circus said they would get back to us to how far they would come. 

This upcoming year the Fire Dept is having their 150 anniversary so can't believe they would not be doing something different this up coming year. 

Ron asked how big of an area the circus would need.  They were at the lower park before with plenty of space. 

Mellissa said that is all she has.

Brittany M. wants to tear down the little house at the park.  Can we get rid of it.  It's an eye sore and the kids do things up there that they should not be doing. 

We just need to knock it down and burn it.

Brittany wants to start working on the park up there.  the basketball court needs redone.  20 x 40 cost about $21,000.  ($13,000) in labor alone.  They need to excavate it.

Paul Hall is talking to Jim Wagner and Bill Hughes to excavate is and then can get the concrete for a lot less.

Brittany still needs more mulch for lower park. Still not up to standards.  Mellissa made motion, 2nd by Brittany H to get another load.

Sidewalk across from Archie's house needs to be done also and has to be ADA.  That is also going to be expensive. 

Let's call Westmoreland Career and Technology to see if they can set up a program for the students to replace the sidewalk if we buy the materials for them.

Brittany M asked if we could write to Ligonier Endowment.  We heard they have a lot of money left.  Brittany wants to do a new playground up there. 

We need the walking track redone also. 

Mellissa said we talked briefly about the volleyball court and softball league.  We need to contact people now.  Ron said we have a volleyball net but just need another post. 

Next spring we can put it back up and see what happens. 

Mellissa asked how much the Borough pays for security monitoring.  Pat said is cost $15.95 for monitoring and $90.40 for internet monthly. 

No other business to discuss,

Brittany M motions to adjourn, Ron 2nd motion to close at 8:00 PM


Patricia Betts
