


This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy

Meeting was opened by Lewis McLaughlin, Council President at 7:01 PM.
Present: Lewis McLaughlin, Sue Bartow, Solicitor Jeff Miller, Ron Betts, Keith St.Clair, Gladine McMaster

Absent: Mayor Tom Pickup

Public Attendance: Zackary and Cassandra Burtop, and Dan Short, JR, Ed from Curry & Kepple, and Keith Vasas, from CME Engineering

Approval Aug meeting minutes.
Motion made by Gladine to approve, 2nd by Keith, all in favor motion passed.

Approval of Treasurer Report.
Sue asked about tax certifications. Pat explained they are tax clearance letters. Sue wanted to know why the Borough did not have any amount for this. Pat also explained this was July clearance letters and the Boroughs were on the July report. The tax collector reports for the month of July was submitted in August. Sue asked about 5 LB. line for weed-eater if that was the larger one or not. Pat explained yes. Gladine motioned to approve treasurer report, 2nd by Lou all in favor motion passed.

Public Comment.
no one had nothing to say.

Special guest speaker

Ed from Curry and Kepple was here to sign the addendum for their CDBG project which was put on hold until spring of 2021 due to hardship of getting pipe supplies for project. Ed stated they may come in and take the storm drains back to their yard for the winter to ensure they would not hold water over the winter and possibly break.

Special guest speaker
Keith Vasas from CME here to discuss the 2022 CDBG grant which is available to apply now for.  Lou motioned to commit to pay the 15% match of funds which was 2nd by Ron. All in favor motion passed.

Keith updated the cost of the 2nd phase of the 5th street project which council received a copy of. Council also gave Keith the list of Board members and list of public officials documents.

Solicitors Report – Jeffery stated he has been working on a new Ordinance for farm animals. It is not ready for council review.

Old Business:
Borough building lighting update.
Pat presented to council 2 bids on the replacement of the lighting with LED lighting.

Nanna's Electric & Refrigeration from Seward came in at $800. This is to use our current light fixtures, remove all the ballasts and rewire the fixture to receive the ballast fee LED lights.

Beaufort Services came in at $1000. They also would be using the existing lighting and replacing with 4 foot T-8 LED light tubes @ 6000K.

Keith motioned to accept Nanna's bid which was 2nd by Lou, all in favor motion passed.

Update on salt bin at Quonset Hut.

Pat received 3 quotes for the project.
Marion Center Supply sent proposal for 20 x 22x 4 ft high. for $2,700. This includes setup and delivery.

Lee Concrete proposal for same size came in at $3,781.50

FI-Hoff concrete proposal for same size came in at $3,075.00

Also Fairfield TWP was contacted concerning whether they applied a concrete slab under their salt bin. We were informed they did apply a slab for their bin.
Pat received quotes from the above companies for this also.  Marion Center Concrete for a 20 x 22 slab we would need 6 1/4 yards or 4 inches thick. Cost is $154. per yard. This total is $654.50 For a 6 inch slab we would need 8 1/4 yards for a total of $962.50 They also suggested to make the sides thicker if we intend to set the concrete barriers on the slab.

For Lee Concrete they are asking $946.88 for a 4 inch thick slab. $1249.88 for a 6 inch thick slab.  They also stated not to use fiber in the concrete because of the salt break down.

For FI-Hoff Pat did not receive a quote for their cost.
It was stated that we still need to have someone come out and form the concrete. None of the companies above do this.
Lou said he would call Fast Eddie and Wagner's to see on the cost. Do we use wire or rebar and how thick?  This is what we need to know.
Decision was made for Lou to check on several people that could do this. The project was tabled until next month meeting.

New Business

Fire Department request for street closure Oct 2 from 9 AM to 10 PM.
Sue motion to allow the street closure, 2nd by Keith all in favor motion passed.

Sue questioned about the garage door opener. Pat said she did not put on agenda because she did not have the time to check with several companies for bids.
Lou asked Ron if the door was still working. Ron said it is a hit or miss. Greg waits until he is sure the garage door stays closed before he leaves.

Lou asked if we had any other business to discuss.
Nothing at this time.

Lou asked if Bill Brett was going to resign. Pat said she wrote him a letter asking him if he was going to continue as our Emergency Coordinator, and if not then we are requesting him to return his borough key. Pat said she has not heard a response from him yet.

Sewage Report: Sue said meeting is next week.

Mayor report: Pat said Tom called and said he was contacting John Speidel to let him know he would be available if needed, this way he could declare an emergency if need be.

Street Commissioner Report
Ron said 121.4 miles on truck using 34.29 gallons of gas/ 6.5 hours on zero turn using 12.29 gallons. Also used 3 gallons of gas to burn out the white faced hornet's nest at the lower park.

Ron also made aware to Sue that he did not appreciate her accusing him of taking 130 gallons of gas last month. He requested prior to meeting a copy of all the gas usage sheets for the past several years. He presented to her so she could do her own personal audit and see that every gallon of gas has been accounted for. He also said nothing makes him more angry than someone accusing him of defamation of character.

She would like to have an executive meeting concerning personnel. Lou asked if this is the same thing over and over again. He does not have to give her one.
Executive meeting called at 7 :50 PM Lou said if this is going to be the same old thing he is not staying back there.

8:02 PM Lou and Ron walked out of executive meeting
8:03 Keith walked out of executive meeting.
8:04 Gladine walked out of executive meeting.
8:05 Lou reentered meeting after he calmed down.
8:06 Executive meeting ended.

Sue made motion to cut the Borough worker hours back to 20 hours per week. No one 2nd the motion. Motion failed.

Parks & Recreation
Pat said we had the Brickfest which we thought was quite successful.
We also have a movie coming up on Sept 18. We are playing the Croods- A New Age

Keith said the festivities were very nice. Saw lots of inter actions with adults and children.

No other business.
Lou motions to close meeting at 8:10 PM 2nd by Keith, all in favor motion passed.

Patricia Betts