


Lawsuit dismissal

case on police officer

At a regular meeting of the Bolivar Borough Council, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, this Resolution was adopted and approved on the 4th day of August 1986

Be it Resolved: and is hereby Resolved: to pay Attorney, Susan Williams $1,000.00 Attorney fees for a Court hearing for former police officer Kenneth Gilpatrick, as a result of not giving the officer five days notice prior to his dismissal, and failure to give said officer a hearing requested by the officer in a letter to council.

Council also agreed to pay officer Kenneth Gilpatrick $2,250.00 as a Court settlement. All borough property is to be returned to the Borough.

(Keys to Borough building, police cruiser, file cabinet, garage badges, patches.)

Adopted and approved this 4th day of August 1986


Florance Bella


Original on file in ordinance book page 237