
Ordinance # 057-1

Providing Resurfacing

of Streets in Borough

Ordinance to provide for the surfacing and resurfacing of Lincoln Street in Bolivar Borough from Fifth Street to the Borough Line, and providing for the payment of the same.

Be it enacted and ordained by Bolivar Borough in Council assembled, and it is hereby enacted and ordained by the authority of the same.

Section 1. That Lincoln Street in Bolivar Borough from Ffth Street to the Borough Line be resurfaced with a black asphalt covering placed upon the present surface.

Section 2. That the Secretary be and is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids for the surfacing and resurfacing of Lincoln Street as set forth in Section one hereinabove.

Section 3. That the cost of the resurfacing of Lincoln Street as provided hereinabove shall be paid by the Borough of Bolivar from the General fund and matching fund proceeds as received from the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Section 4. All Ordinances, Resolutions, or parts thereon inconsistent herewith be and the same are hereby repealed.

Enacted and ordained by the council of Bolivar Borough this 3rd day of June A.D. 1957

Frank Henderson

Council President


Erma McCartney


Approved this 3rd day of June A.D. 1957

Donald O Henderson


Original Ordinance in ordinance book page 107