
This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy

Present: Amy Lickenfelt, Sue Bartow, Ron Betts, Mayor Tom Pickup, Mark Scribe, Solicitor Jeff Miller.

Absent- Clark Baird

Public Attendance - Ligonier Echo - Alexander Ashcroft, Dan Short JR, Darlene Gregorich, Carol Sisitki, Pam and Joe St. Clair

Meeting called to order at 7 PM by Amy.

February regular Meeting Minutes were reviewed. Sue made note that on page two of the regular meeting minutes "Update on police paragraph" make change to reflect New Florence not St Clair Township. Motion to approve was made by Sue with change , 2nd by Mark. All approved.

February 22 – Special meeting minutes were reviewed. Sue motion to accept, 2nd by Ron. All approved.

Treasurer report was reviewed. Sue asked why we were still being charged for an inactivity fee on two of the bank accounts. Pat explained that when the Bank started applying this fee for inactivity, she had notified the bank manager and was told they would put a permanent waiver on the account and refund the fee currently charged. When the fee was refunded they forgot to place the permanent fee waiver and Pat had to notify them again for this month. Hopefully this will not happen again. Sue motions to accept, Ron 2nd. All approved.

Solicitor Report - Jeffery stated will address items as we go through the Agenda.

Public comment. - Pam St Clair. Nothing. Joe St Clair, was speaking about the gas company at the gas house. The gas company replaced a value and said the gas company will replace the whole section of the road and place a curve along- side the road because of the water running through the property lines and going into his basement.

Ron had stated the gas company gets their permits from the state because of the highway being a state road.

Dan Short, no comment. Carol Sisitki no comment. Darlene Gregorich no comment.

Next item on agenda. Bid notice for the storage garage.

Amy wanted to know if the Borough is ok with advertising for bids. Jeffery said we are ok to publish. Jeffery has been in contact with BJ Construction’s attorney on the matter. Jeffery gave them until February 24 to respond otherwise we will rebid in March.

Pat stated the bid notice we currently have was already approved by Mr. Robson, our Engineer for the project. We just have to change the dates for the newspaper notice, and bid opening date. Sue questioned whether we could let the bids leave the office for Jeffery or Robson Engineer’s to review and ensure all required documents are in order if neither party could be present at the Bid Opening meeting on March 30th. Pat will change office hours that day. She will be at the Borough building from 1 to 5 pm and then open for the public meeting at 5 PM.

The ad for the bid will be placed in the Indiana Gazette and Latrobe Bulletin on March 6 and again on March 10th. Tom questioned whether the Borough will have the financing by then. Sue stated the Borough will be borrowing the entire amount from USDA. This was already approved in a prior meeting. Pat will notify Mr. Robson on the changes of the Bid Notice. Pat and Jeffery will change item number 6 of the Bid Notice after the meeting. Ron motioned to advertise the Bid Notice, Sue 2nd. All approved.

Update on One Way Street. Jeffery stated he found the section of the code he was relying on when he advised Council on the subject matter. He read the section to council. As we all know PENNDOT has stated we do not need a survey to make the road a two way street. Jeffery had said that PENNDOT does this all the time so therefore his information he read about the requirements he is a little concerned whether the information is correct or not. Still the code is saying a survey is required. Amy said she still would like Jeffery to look further into this before Council makes a final decision.

Update on police. Amy said New Florence is just waiting on us to send them a letter of interest. Tom also said that before anyone goes around town saying we cannot afford police coverage, let’s find out how much it is going to cost. Jeffery was talking to St Clair solicitor and they are not interested in a joint task force.

Next item. Comcast franchise renewal. Pat stated it is not officially up until 2019. They are looking into several problems with the internet service and hopefully fix the problem with the boosters on the lines.

Roof leakage – Ron. He had Mr. Martin, from the Amish community here to check the roof since we still have a warranty on the roof. Mr. Martin after checking the roof said it was not the roof itself but condensation collecting between the two roofs. He did notice that water is not hitting the rain gutters but going right over the gutters. The roof goes way over and just runs down. The cost to fix the gutters so the water goes into them will be $660.00. It was also stated it would take 3 men and 1 day to complete. Amy commented that she could not understand why this just started this year. Ron said because the windows got fixed and furnace replaced, so the building is more air tight. That is why condensation is building up and causing the problem.

Ron motions to do the roof and Sue 2nds. Amy opposed. Project approved.

Police car inspection – Sue stated not done yet. Charlie and I have been sick. It will eventually get done. The car is not going anywhere.

Next item - Flushing of the street drains on Water Street. Sue said she spoke to John Speidel on this. John says on any Monday night when Charlie and Boro Worker is available the fire dept. can flush the drains. Sue also mentioned about 5th street between McKinley and Lincoln. Water runs down the street and floods Arch Dodson’s driveway out. Ron said hopefully the drain will open up. There are a lot of large roots from the trees alongside the street.

Amy asked Jeffery about his Ethic’s form – whether completed or not. Jeffery said he has until May 1st.

New Business:

Next regular meeting will be held on Thursday April 6, 7 PM.

Liquid Fuels funds are in. Borough received $19,507.03 instead of $19,102.84. Ron stated the additional funds received is because we have been using the funds on street repairs rather than on the street lights.

The Liquid Fuels audit has been completed for the years 2014 and 2015. 2016 was not done because of some problems with the invoice from BCS Construction who did the work on the CDBG 2016 street project. Mr. Fairman from the Attorney General’s office suggested we send a letter to BCS Construction Company and get a complete breakdown of materials and man hours for project, or we may have to pay back liquid fuels monies. Pat stated she and Rick Skovensky and Mr. Fairman put together a letter of request for BCS Construction requesting the additional items needed.

ACT 172 – Tax credit on Earn Income for Fire and EMS Volunteers. Council decided not to do a Resolution to allow this.

FWF Insurance update for Parks and Recreation questions. Pat spoke to Mr. Ron Flick from the insurance company stated that as long as the Borough has the names and their positions of the Parks and Rec committee in the minutes then they are covered by the Borough insurance. A list was given to Pat by Darlene Gregorich to record.

Parks and Recreation Committee Members are as follows:

President – Dan Short Jr

Secretary – Darlene Gregorich

Treasurer – Carol Sisitki

Sub Committee Members:

Art Sisitki

Joel and Kelly Lupacchini

Barbara Sisitki

Brenda Mack

Bayden Gregorich

Greg Hughes

Scott Lichtenfels

Lewis McLaughlin

John Sisitki

Pat had given several different scenarios to ensure whether covered. Jeffery said he was not sure whether Mr. Flick understood everything entirely. Jeffery was reading over the information and it says everywhere the Borough was covered, it did not state that Parks and Rec members were covered. Bottom line, Amy and council decided to have Jeffery check with Mr. Flick to ensure the accuracy of the information since Parks and Rec have their own committee and no one was appointed by Council. It was suggested that Council and their Solicitor get together and devise a waiver for a permit to be issued to Parks when an event is scheduled. It was also suggested that a Resolution be issued concerning the Parks and Recreation.

Carol says that around 2006 when Parks and Rec committee was set up, it was put in the minutes, by- laws were set up and we come to council for all events. Jeffery’s main concern is whether Parks and Rec people are covered. Darlene said Parks and Rec will not be able to do anything if they have to buy their own insurance. We have looked into insurance and we just can’t afford the insurance. Darlene questioned whether the money they raise will have to purchase their own insurance. Jeffery stated that no it does not have to do this, but the council cannot tell you what you do with the funds raised. Jeffery said he not sure how he is coming across but you do a great job, are classified as a private entity, but something has to happen to get you to fall under the Borough so you can have the independence to do what you want. Pat asked about a Resolution to designate the Parks and REC Committee as was done with the Sesquicentennial Event. Carol said she doesn’t care if the council has a say in anything with the Parks, just that you cannot tell us who to put on the committee.

Electric price increase pricing next item on agenda. Pat informed council of the price increase for the street lights. Possible scenario would be to designate special millage for street lights. 1 mill would be $2100. Pat spoke to both the PUC and electric company on the subject of price increase. Amy suggested to put this on hold until October when Council works on the budget for the new year.

PA One Call – Ron, Pa One call would like the Council to declare a Proclamation for the month of April. They forwarded 3 different types as an example. 

Amy while going through letters found a Junior Council Membership class. Wanted to know if anyone would be interested. Pam suggested to send to High School for their government class.

Amy called Executive meeting for personnel. Time 8:04 PM.

8:17 PM Council came back. Sue motions to increase Pat’s salary by $25.00 and get paid by-weekly for the work she is doing. Effective 3-1-2017. Mark 2nd motion. Ron- abstained. Everyone else agreed. Motion passed. Amy asked Pat if she understood this. Pat responded with a yes, and thanked the council for the raise.

Sewage Committee – Meeting coming up March 8. Ron asked Amy if she wanted to receive the minutes from the sewage meetings. Amy said she has been asking for them for 3 years now.

Street Commissioner Report – Sue stated Pat has contacted Hercules for the blades and shoes for the truck. Shoes are on back order, and they have the blades. Pat update, the shoes have not come in, but he can deliver both at no additional cost. Lights were fixed on the truck, but Dan said the lights are still out.

Storm drain request to be repaired at 3rd & Market on firehouse side of street.. Bill Hughes estimated repairs of $3800.00. Pat needs to get a HOP permit from PENNDOT. Once back from PENNDOT Pat will notify Rick Skovensky to get approved to get fixed under liquid fuels. Ron motions to get storm drain fixed for the $3800.00 by Bill Hughes, Mark 2nds. All approved.

Charlie informed Boro worker to go to lower Parks and get the trees cleaned up, however Ron Betts and his brother, Darrel already did this. Sue said she then informed Ron Houck to keep the drains cleaned out because of the anti-skid and leaves going into the drains.

Mayors Report – Feedback from EIP people. – impressed on looking into police service.

Amy wanted to make a statement concerning being acting street commissioner. – She said since she is forced to be the acting street commissioner she does not know anything. She is tired of people stopping her on the streets and asking her things. Things she cannot answer. Stop calling her. She has no communication with the Boro Worker. Refer everyone to the Assistant Street Commissioner. She will not sign off on his work sheets and does not know what he does.

Parks & Rec. – Carol said once the weather breaks they will be fixing up the benches and redoing some of them. Darlene commented they went to the 3rd Saturday this year in August for the Brick Fest because of conflicts with other communities.

Other business: Sue says the Fire Dept. has a 10 foot wooden table. They want to know what to do with it. Dan commented, that table does not fold up. Too large for Borough.

Sue motioned for adjournment Ron 2nd. Meeting adjourned 8:30 pm.


Patricia Betts

Patricia Betts
