
2016 - 9

Attorney Fees

Delinquent Claim and

Lien Filings
A Resolution for Attorney Fees on Delinquent Claim and Lien Filings

Whereas, the Borough of Bolivar desires to increase its' current schedule for attorney's fees to recover those expenses of liening and collection of delinquent municipal claims and liens, and

Whereas, the imposition of such fees is authorized pursuant to 53 P.S.  ยง7106, and

Whereas, the Ordinance of 2005 granted the Borough of Bolivar the right to revise the rate of fees as needed, and

Whereas, the Borough of Bolivar has given due consideration to reasonableness and appropriateness of the charges enacted herein, and

Now Therefore, be it resolved and it is resolved as follows:

1.  The fee schedule shall be increased from $80.00 per hour to $100.00 per hour, to be billed in increments of actual time expended in the effort of collection or liening, at no greater than one tenth (1/10) of an hour or multiples thereof as the time is actually expended.

2.  After the expiration of the time period set forth in the Ordinance, Section B "Notice" the attorney shall impose or assess fees upon the calculation of all reasonable time spent in the collection or enforcement of the claims or liens, multiplied by the rate set forth in Section 1 above.

Be it resolved and it is hereby resolved this 1st day of December, 2016

Amy Lickenfelt
President of Bolivar Borough Council


Patricia Betts