Ordinance # 044
Setting Millage for
1945 at 10 Mills
Setting the tax rate of the Borough of Bolivar for the year 1945.
Be it ordained and enacted by the Town Council of the Borough of Bolivar in the County of Westmoreland and state of Pennsylvania, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of same.
Section 1. That the tax rate for the year 1945 be and the same is hereby fixed at ten (10) mills for General Borough purposes.
Section 2. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances inconsistent herewith be and the same are hereby repealed.
Ordained and enacted by the Town council of the borough of Bolivar assembled in said Borough this 2nd day of April 1945.
Dora S Byers
Council President
Approved this 2nd day of April A.D. 1945
Erma McCartney
Secretary of Council
J. E. Snyder
Original Ordinance on file in Ordinance book page 78