Bids for paving
of streets through
CDBG Grant
A Resolution to Begin Advertising for Contractors as Perspective Bidders for the Paving of the Streets in the Borough of Bolivar, County of Westmoreland, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Whereas, the Borough of Bolivar has applied for and received a Community Development Block Grant through the Westmoreland County Redevelopment Authority,
Whereas, pursuant to the above grant, the Borough desires to pave various sections of Shaffer, Second, Fourth, Seventh, and Eights Streets, Be it Resolved as to the following:
a. An appropriate advertisement for the soliciting of bids from local contractors for the paving of the above named streets shall be advertised in the local papers including the Tribune-Democrat of Johnstown, Pennsylvania
b. Any and all bids may be rejected.
c. The Borough shall provide to prospective bidders a copy of all contract documents and the bidding package for the non-refundable fee of $35.00
d. The Borough shall accept bids until 4:00PM on August 17, 1994
e. The Borough shall open all bids and read them at a public meeting to be held at a date set by the Borough.
f. The approval for advertising the project and taking any and all necessary steps to effectuate the project is given to the Borough Solicitor.
Whereupon during a July advertised meeting wherein a quorum was present, this Resolution was passed on the 11th day of July 1994.
Bolivar of Borough
J.Diane Robinson
President of Council
Cheryl McGinnis
Arthur W. Sisitki
Original Resolution on file in Vault