This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy
Meeting opened at 7:30 PM by Brittany Miller
Attendance Ron Betts, Mellissa Miller, Brittany Hughes, Jessica Betts, Brittany Miller
Absent None
Public Attendance: none
Approval of Sept minutes
After review Jessica motions to approve Sept minutes. 2nd by Ron all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer Report: After review Sept report was motioned by Mellissa and 2nd Jessica for approval. All in favor motion passed.
Jessica asked about the Oct report. Pat said everything up to today's date is on the report.
Old Business:
Update on book sales.
Mellissa said we had 1 unclaimed book left Might be Larry Lutes also. He wanted one and he has not given any money yet to us.
Update on ornament sales
Brittany Miller asked about the ornament sales. Mellissa said she gave Pat $21.00 for sales. Brittany was surprised since we were selling the old ornaments for $.50 cents. Mellissa said Georgiana Wheeler and Sharon Frampton still want several as well.
Mellissa asked if Pam sold her 15 new ornaments she was given. Mellissa said she has maybe 12. That is a guess. Not sure also if Pam has sold all her ornaments she was given.
Update on Andy Pahach plaque
Brittany said she talked to Eli today. It will cost us $1200 It will be cemented into the ground. He will use all the extra bricks and the old pieces from the steps. It will be like a podium.. Mellissa motions to pay for the additional cost. 2nd by Jess and Ron. All in favor motion passed.
Ron asked about the dedication ceremony. It will depend on the weather and Mrs. Pahach health.
We should put into the paper and advertise.
Update on Degano Bench
Brittany said the school doesn't teach that part of the class until after Christmas He will let Brittany know when it is done. Mellissa was approached by someone who wanted to know if we were going to open it up for more purchases. Discussion was made on this and we are still not sure if we are going to open up again. Deciding on also where to put the benches. Possible at the top of the park around the playground. Brittany said why not just have people buy a tree.
Mellissa said we do have to do something about the trees we currently have. Mellissa said we should have been at the council meeting when they were doing the budget. We cannot go afterwards and ask for money.
Update on moving of storage shed before winter.
Pat said Gladine was in the office this morning and was talking to Paul and Don on the shed. They already know it is too big for them to move on their own. It will not fit on the trailer. It was suggested that we approach Ken McGinnis to have him use his roll back to pick up the shed and move to the park.
Discussion was made for several different ways of moving it. Mellissa said she would ask Ken after the wedding is over.
Pat said Paul and Don were already approved to get paid and do on a weekend if need be.
Update on Mariana's Fund Raiser.
Mellissa suggested we place on hold until spring. Brittany said the kids at school were also selling them.
New Business:
Christmas Candy Canes on poles. - set up potential dates.
Mellissa said she and her husband went around and took the canes down in April and May. She does not want to do this again.
Pat asked why Paul and Don did not take them down. After discussion it was established that Don was not hired yet, and Paul had surgery and was unable to do it.
If the candy canes go up they need to be done in a timely manner and needs to come down in a timely manner.
Mellissa thought the guys were laid off over the winter months. Pat said no
Final count on pumpkins for carving and treats & pricing.
Mellissa said she will call Pam in the morning. Different people called her and not sure if they already registered or not. Mellissa will pick up on way back from Pittsburgh.
Jessica said the guy across from Sheetz on 22 said the pumpkins are $5 and he will take a check. He said he is from Bolivar and lives on SR259. Mellissa said she will stop there also.
Mellissa said she needs 2 checks. 1 for the pumpkins and 1 for the new roasters. They are $49 at Walmart and they have them now.
Ron motions to get 4 roasters, 2nd by Jessica, all in favor motion passed.
Any other business
Mellissa said she wants to get rid of the blowups. Some work some don't. If we are going to do something for Christmas we need to get them now.
Brittany said maybe 20ft hay bales made out to look like a tree. They would need to be tied together somehow because of the kids climbing on them. Pictures were displayed on what some look like. also ornaments made out of hay bales.
Brittany Hughes asked what kind of budget are we looking for to spend on hay bales.
Discussion on the cost of the hay bales and being used only one time is it really cost effective for us.
Mellissa said we could post on Facebook to see if we could get them donated.
Brittany Miller said we are decorating for Christmas on Veterans Day Nov 11th.
Brittany said the guys have the swings done. Also if we need more baby swings we can get them. The guys have welded the chains together and reused the older ones too.
Brittany Hughes wanted to know what everything thought about locking down posting on our Facebook page. It seems that when we want to post something it does not get seen because of other posting their items for sale on our page rather than on the general Facebook page. She thinks some of the things are great but it does not need to be on the Parks Facebook page.
Brittany Miller said this is a good idea to just lock ours down for our events only.
Polar Express event we need to set final times. Brittany needs to get it posted on Facebook.
The wood train for photos needs to be fixed and painted so we can put down at the Fire Station also.
Mellissa said stations of items. Kids can decorate cookies, decorate ornaments. Check Oriental Trading kits.
So make a cookie, make an ornament, get a photo with the train. Have Music and clean up when we are done. Mellissa said we really do need to charge. Almost like the hayrides. $5 donation for adults and kids are free. Final date is Sunday Dec 15, from 4 to 6 PM. Mellissa said she will bring ideas for next meeting and pricing for the next meeting.
Mellissa said she is saying this once. You are old and Ron is old. Neither one of you need to be on the ladder doing things. Thank you for caring, but do what you need to do. We will find younger people to get up the ladder.
Brittany asked if the fire dept would decorate a fire truck for the kids to climb on. Maybe Santa could be brought in by the fire truck. Mellissa said she could ask them.
Motion made to adjourn at 8:20 PM made by Ron, 2nd by Brittany Hughes.
Patricia Betts